Chapter 5

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Simon's POV

Right now, I'm in Walmart picking up a few things that I needed as my kitchen was empty, and I couldn't survive on boxed mac and cheese for another week. Picking up a loaf of whole wheat, I heard my name being called by a familiar voice.
"Hey Simon" I turned around and saw Branson- a former booty call. "Uh hi" I said nervously and walking up the aisle. "So how have you been?" he asked walking closer to me. 

"Fine, fine" I said lamely. "No calls I see?" he chuckled, and I pursed my lips. "I-I've just been busy" I lied. He nodded his head while looking at the dirty tiled floor, "You just didn't seem like the type of person who would hit and quit even after I told you my problem" he mumbled. My chest clenched and I turned to him, ready to explain but he walked away before I could. Goddamn you Simon, always hurting someone's feelings.

My trolley bumped into someone harshly, and they exclaimed with explicit words. "I'm so sorry" I apologized not seeing their face, as their back was facing me. "Are you okay?" I asked the female that was still caressing her Achilles tendon.

That's when she finally turned and I recognized her- Leila. "Yeah, I'll be-" she stopped suddenly and made eye contact with me. The emotions that she felt were easier to read than a third grader's homework. I broke eye contact and glanced at the groceries in my cart, "Uh" I stuttered trying to say something to ease the tension that was literally trying to kill me.

Before I could say anything, she came closer to me which caused me to take a small step back. "Nice seeing you again Simon", she told me with a brittle smile. She walked away, her shoes softly clapping the floor until the sound faded.

Leila's POV

"So what'd he say?" Christin asked excitedly. "Nothing. Literally nothing. He just stuttered like an asshole" I explained as I threw on a sweatshirt. "Where are you going love?" she questioned putting on her shoes.
"Where you going?"  I asked her. "You really think I'm gonna stay locked up in this apartment and slowly die from boredom? You really thought." she commented which caused me to laugh.

"Well hurry up"

Looking through the shelves in the pharmacy, I tried my best to find the desired pain killer that I was sent to look for. Getting frustrated and assuming the guy next to me was an employee, I asked for his assistance- only to be surprised for a second time today. Just my luck, it was Tyler.

"Uh, I don't really work here" he joked, chuckling to himself. I raised my eyebrows and pursed my lips, "I kinda noticed." His laughter died down and I continued looking on the shelf. "So, how have you been?" he asked, trying so hard to make conversation. "Good." I replied dully to which he sighed.

"Look, I am so sorry that I ignored you at the gym. I was just lost for words when I saw that you were back and I didn't know what to say to you, especially in front of Ely" he explained. "You think I'm pissed about the gym?" I seethed. "Well, what are you so pissy about?" he asked, clearly fed up.

"What I'm so pissy about?" I asked taken back. "That's what I asked, wasn't it?"  Christin interrupted right on time, and stepped in between us, "Oh look, here's the Aleve. It was far at the back."  

"Who the fuck you ratin' up for?" I exclaimed. 

Christin's POV

Leila's exclaim literally made my soul fall out my ass. I was listening to their conversation from the end of the aisle until I heard Tyler make his dumb comment and I knew what was going to happen next. But I didn't expect it to be this bad- Leila usually conducts herself when in public. "Go an' ask de fuck up people yuh does call friend" she cursed and walked away while dropping the basket. 

"What's wrong with you?" I asked Tyler. "Me? I wasn't the one who just made a scene out of nothing just a few seconds ago" he said. "Hush" I said while gesturing with my hands. "I barely understood what she said" he muttered.

"You know, you're one asshole." I stated. He looked up at me with confusion all over his face, "Me?" he asked pointing to himself. I looked behind him and all around the aisle, "Who else I'll be talking to?" 

"What'd I do to make her hate me so much Christin?" he asked, suddenly looking regretful. "It's not only you" 

"Who else?" he asked.

"Those friends of yours." I told him. He sighed, "I don't think I know anyone named friends" he stated while rolling his eyes. "Jenna and Simon, hijo de puta!" I said harshly. "What did they do?" he desperately asked. "They-" I cut myself off as I thought of something. "You know what, you figure it out yourself"

"What the fuck Christin!" he shouted while moving from his original space. People began to stare at us with annoyed and vexed expressions on their faces, "Shhh! It shouldn't be that hard right?" I asked with a giggle. He looked pissed and stared at me unamused before leaning on one of the shelves. "Alright fine" 

"I'll do anything to make her talk to me" he whispered, but thankfully I heard. "You still love her!" I exclaimed. "You heard that?" he questioned looking frightened to which I nodded. "Christin, you can't tell Leila or Ely; especially Ely. Please!" he begged which made me feel sorry for him. "Don't worry I won't, I promise" I said placing my hand on his shoulder. He smiled and thanked me. 

"Christin! Hurry ya ass up, I don't have all damn day" Leila shouted from the cash register which made people fuss and complain, and others laugh. "Bye now" I said. "Bye"

"What were y'all talking about and what'd he say about me?" she asked. I opened my mouth to explain but was shut down.

"You know what, no, I don't care what he thinks" she said picking up the bag.

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