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Hey, I asked my friend (iiEmotionless) if I could write a chapter in her book! She said sure just don't say anything weird.. One day, I talked to her and this is what she said..
"Yeah i know its like one day i know im going to snap and maybe ill just go in a baserk like mode and curse everyone and slap myself intill i die and also when i do that i might hear mad world for hours and while i do that -DEEP BREATH- i can hear all my sad songs curse at trump go on roblox roleplay then go crazy then eat penut-butter while going crazy and also look at hamsters getting eaten by lizards and cats getting ran over... HhHAHAHHahahahahHhahahahHahAHHahHhHhahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
It sounded like she was going insane.. So please support her, if anyone comments, she will let me answer them I don't know why.. So, Mhm Bye-Bye!

My Life Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora