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  I was driving down the dirt road off of the main road that lead off to the next city as I looked around to find the large home that seemed rickety as I finally see the abandoned manor where some of the glass was shattered or dusty from within the old home.
Ivy was growing onto the walls as I notice that animals were also climbing up them and into the shattered glasses. I sighed and walked on towards the door which was now cracked and missing wood as I slowly pushed onto it as it creaked with the old hinges on it as it swung open with ease as it hit the wall as it stopped and let the chilling wind of the eerie home. I hear rats skittering around with their tiny feet.
Wings flapping around from different birds or other animals that had wings. Cats scratching the old furniture with their claws for their scratching post.

"Ugh........Completed already with animals in this, with the beautiful example of vines coming out of the windows and walls." I smiled as I looked around to see a small kitten on the old stained couch as I notice a small stain where the cats was. It was a black and white cat with a missing eye as she stared at me with a sadden look. I just sighed and walked over to it as I pet it's little black head as I hear it purr with pleasure as I smiled. 

"Are you alone here, my little one?" I purred as it sits up and rubs against my hand as I smiled and kept petting it's fur. Suddenly the cat jumps off the couch and runs out of the place as I looked at it with confused look before walking up the sturdy steps that lead to the top of the second floor as I notice the walls were now stained with dirty water as I walked onward until I stood in front of dark oak wooden with different trims as it created a small swirl of trims.

I smiled and brushed my fingers against the trims feeling the smooth door and bumps as I soon grabbed the old metal rusted handle and turned it as I pushed it and walked in.

The room was full of webs and old shattered glasses from what had gone on before I came here. A small bird was laying dead with it's ribs showing into the light that shined through the window as I sighed and walked passed it as I walked over to the small closet and opened it to only show a small bag full of things that I had kept away from everyone. I opened it and looked at the small picture that was in the bag.

"So many years and yet this is still looking like it was new. The barrier must have worked, then if this safe then the knife should be better." I spoke as I opened the bag even more as I fished out a small switch blade with stainless steel blade with nothing but a little bit of dust on it.

I clicked as it switched out and showed me the glistening blade staring at me with it's piercing blade. My heart thumped still holding the small killer that killed the same person who had killed the one person i had loved since she was born. My poor little Shilo, Shilo was 7 months and she was asleep in the small home that her parents had but both had died in the hands of the company that I work in. Shilo however died in the fire that I had killed my own heart.

I stood in front of the burning home as I felt tears roll down my cheek staining them with pain as i clenched my hands into fists as I cursed out and fell to my knees as I hear the last of the small cry that still echoed within the home. I growled and looked up to see the house finally ending it's blazing embers from the water the was now being splashed dying down the fires.

'It's over now
I know inside.
No will ever know
The sorry tale of Nightmare Moon
And those who died.
No one must ever know.

They only see the tragedy.
They not see my intent.
The Shadow of Night's Evil.
Will forever kill
The good that I have meant.


Am I good mare?
Am I a mad mare?
It's such a fine line,
Between a good mare and I.'

I sung as I clenched my teeth together and ran off as passed a girl with brown hair that reached to her shoulder. That older girl will soon be working with me soon in the future. But for now we are strangers and always will be. I was seven, she was nine years old. Soon we will meet in the middle of my life time. I ran passed through the woods as I noticed the small light that was glowed by a small lantern as I kept running until we, the owner and I, stood face to face as I notice who it was.

'Sinbad' I spoke his name as it flickered off my tongue and into the midnight forest. We had a history from when I was in the foster home and he had wanted to adopt me but never did because he didn't have the papers to adopt me, and i am glad that he didn't or I would be dead by now.

"Hello Maria, you love my little sign of showing how much you mean to me when you should have been killed all those years ago. When you were just a little infant.' He chuckles as I growled and ran at him as he backs up and drops the lantern which breaks into a bunch shattered glass and whoosh of blaring flames as hit washes around us as I jumped and moved forward as I stared up at him who's face soon was lighten up with both oranges and red.

He stared at me with his hand out as yards of fire came into his hand as he smiled evilly watching my next move. 

"Come on pretty girl, come and fight me," he kept staring at me as I ran after him again but slid down onto the ground as I swiped his legs from underneath him as he fell hard onto his back. He groaned as I took out my pocket knife which was sharp like a razor blade as i jabbed it into his chest as he screamed out in pain as I kept stabbing, pulling the small knife in and out until he stopped twitching.

'I.......W-What have........I done......................" I whispered as I hear my phone go off as I gulped and brought up the phone close to my ear and listened as I hear my foster mother scream to where I was as I spoke softly and told her where I was and what had happened.

What had I done? I was so young back then but now I think what drove me to kill Sinbad was only because he killed someone that was in my biological family. A small infant who had a future to the world. But now she is burned to the ashes of earth. Her mother was now going to have her, along with her father. Shilo will now her parents. And I will always be alone to that man who took my only girl like me. i jumped and looked at my pocket as I notice my phone was ringing as I fished it out of my phone and answered it as i brought it up to my ear.

"Hello..........." I whispered as I hear Chase speak.

"Vincent is Gone! We don't know where he went and I'm afraid that he's gone for good!" Chase screamed as I growled and ended the call as i pushed the bag closer to the wall as I run out of the room and the manor. Heading back to find the killer.

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