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The word I hated the most.
Probably because that word makes people dissapointed, sad, angry, or anything else.
And at this point, I'm late for work.

"Leighton, you're late, again." He scolded me, I look down at my feet as I bit my lip, "I'm sorry,sir." I sighed, "It won't happen again."
And this time, it was his turn to sigh, "alright on I gave you so much chances, tomorrow is your last one ever, keep that in mind, don't be late again." Mr. Watkins reminded me as he went back to his office, I could only offer him a weak 'yes sir' as an answer.

Finally moving from my spot, I walked into the employee's room and grabbed my apron, clipping the nametag afterwards.
I walked towards the cashier and put on a fake smile as a costumer approached, "Welcome to Five Guys! What can I get you?"
And with that, my day started.

04:34 PM

After going home from work, I can only think of one thing only.

TV Shows

Honestly, I don't have anything interesting in my life other than my job, or the shows that I watched, I wish I could be like one of those superheroes from the news, interesting life and all that.
Grabbing my key that was drowned beneath many things inside my bag, I unlocked my door.
The familiar creaking sound was made as I opened it, I should get it fixed sometime.
Throwing my bag to the couch, I turned to the fridge instead of my TV.
I grabbed a bottle of soy milk, just because.
I heard a faint 'meow' noise from my windows as I walked towards it, I couldn't find anything until I glanced down, a stray cat with solid black fur.

Oh look, a cat that matches my everyday look, fantastic!

Not knowing what to do with it, I opened my window and took it in.
"Cute." I muttered as I raise it in the air. I was having quite a time watching it getting confused being held in the air until it stared at me, the pupils grew bigger looking at me as it let out another faint 'meow'.
That was all it takes to weaken me, All i can think of is hug the cat, it needs a mom, I'm gonna be a mom, my mom would be proud.
The Cat was surprisingly comfortable being cradled in my hands as it made a low rumbling noise, I could literally feel it's bone, I'm gonna feed the Cat.

I took it to the kitchen with me and I grabbed an uncooked fish fillet and put it on a small bowl, placing it on the counter.
I set the cat down on the counter and watched it eat as I rubbed the cat's head.
"I'm your mom now. I'm gonna have to name you." I muttered as the cat continued to eat. "Pepper sounds nice, what do you think?" The Cat stopped and hissed, "okay, what about Piper?" The Cat gave me the most cutest puppy eye ever (or in this case, Cat eye? I have no idea.) "oh my god, Piper it is. You're Piper, I love Piper, Piper I'm your mom now, I'm gonna feed you and protect yo-"


That was all it takes to make me jump out of the stool and hug my self on the floor, I slowly stood up and looked back at Piper, who's now on the floor, I can only imagine how Pipergot scared jumped from the counter.
"Don't worry Pipes, mommy will check it out for you."
Normally, I would just ran to my room and call 911 and instantly praying to whoever's up there and forget that I'm an atheist. But Piper, the cat that I found outside of my window not more than literally 10 minutes gave me a boost of bravery, or perhaps I just had a particular idea where I'm dressed in all black fur with black sunglasses and black hat with black feather on it, with black heels carrying a black cat, I would look super bad ass, Cruella's style.
But not this time, instead, I grabbed a baseball bat and head to the source of the sound, the living room.

This is so much alike with horror movies, a white girl checks on a scary sound from another room.
I should've run away and take Piper with me and stop at McDonalds to calm my self down, or Burger King, it would be awkward if I went to Five guys since I work there.
anyways, I flicked the lights on and the next thing I know I was put on a headlock.
I could literally feel the warmth and the muscle behind the guy.
Usually, I would think of the word choke me daddy but this isn't a joke, I've never been in this situation, hell, I have never even been choked by a daddy material person, now, why am I talking about daddies.
I'm literally panicking and screamed, 'LORD FORGIVE ME FOR I HAVE SINNED MY WHOLE LIFE'
but kudos to Piper the kitten who bit the dude's leg, he let go of me by reflex as I took the chance to hit him on the head.

I shouted as I panicked and quickly knelt down to check for his pulse, he's alive and well.
Well, not really, I glanced at his chest and spot two holes and a few deep stab wounds.
Oh how I wish this was my ex, Samantha.
Deciding how violence is not the answer, I took the guy to the couch and tended his wound, credits to the nurse at my old school who told me all these stories about how she used to work in the militaries and how she teached me to help them.

After finishing it up, I grabbed a pillow and a blanket to make the dude comfortable, somehow, I felt like he was looking for a safe place to hide, I mean, did you see his wounds? Or even his arms? It's metal, like that's awesome dude!

After a few hours of me watching the guy in the corner along with Piper who's ready to bit his nose when he wakes up, he opened his eyes slowly.
I stood up slowly too, grabbing my trusty baseball bat again, I stepped towards the man as fast as a snail.
"Who are you?" He asked as he sat up, I think he's a speedster I mean damn son no normal humans can sit up that fast, but then again, he has a damned metal arm.
"I am the owner of this place, not really, just this section, because I rented it, wait no I'm not supposed to answer that I'm supposed to ask you who the hell are you!" He looked at me confused as i repeated his question.
"Who are you?" I asked, gripping my baseball bat tightly as he looked down on his lap, and to my lovely Piper.

"I don't know."

//oh look Lana finally met Bucky! I'm so sorry if the few jokes in the chapter are 100% not funny because well, I'm not exactly interesting irl but I could keep you interested by rambling on and on about how much I hated _____ death in Agent's of Shield season 3 finale. I blanked the name just in case because SPOILERS.
Anyways, please drop a few votes and comments, have a beautiful delighted day!\\

When Winter Falls // Bucky Barnes-Winter Soldier fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now