i quickly turned my alarm off scared it would wake him up. i shuffled out of bed and pulled a blanket around me before heading down stairs.
Mum was lying on the sofa, her blanket cocooned around her. Moving closer i could see beads of sweat on her head.
"mum?" i whispered, no response. "mum?!" i said louder, shaking her shoulder lightly.
"what?" she replied, sleepily, her eyes flickered open.
"you ok?" i asked
" yes why- what time is it?" she rubbed her eyes.
"urrrr......" i quickly checked the clock "6.15" i said, calmly.
"6.15! are you mad? why r up so early!?" she whisper shouted.
"needed to make sure you were ok" i answered truthfully. "you can go back to sleep now" i said, smiling. she nodded and let her eyes close again.
I turned to go back upstairs. I wasn't looking where I was going, but at the polished floor. I suddenly walked into something solid just in front of the stairs. I saw his feet on the floor. Fearing the worst i looked up.
His face had no expression at all, he just starred down at me.
"urrrr.....morning" i said quickly, then regretting it straight after. I went to walk past him and go up stairs but was stopped when a hand touched my shoulder. It wasn't a firm grip but the knowing of him touching me was enough to make me freeze.
"what are you doing?" he growled at me, i forced my self not to tremble.
"Going upstairs" i said, wincing
"No before that" his voice was deep and ruff, no emotion was displayed in it though.
"Checking on mum," i squeaked.
"Why?" he persisted, his voice growing more growly.
"To see if she was ok," i said, whimpering like a coward. He stepped towards me menacingly, i quivered under his glare.
"don't do it again" he said through gritted teeth. I wasn't going to let him boss me around by fear like when i was younger.
"why not!" i asked. he raised his fist and grabbed my shirt. my eyes widened in fear my heart pounded twice the speed. i just nodded at him. his grip loosed and he stepped away. grunting he went back up stairs. my breath, which i had been subconsciously holding came out. i grabbed some trousers from the radiator, my jacket from the door, slipped my trainers on and hurried out. i didn't want to be in that house with him any longer. i just hoped mum would be ok.
my phone was in jacket pocket, so i had contact. A light breeze blew across the air. I stuffed my hands in my trouser pockets. i felt something papery in there. pulling it out carefully i saw a folded up piece of paper. Not remembering putting it in my pocket i was curious and unfolded it. 11 numbers were displayed upon it it hurried black ink. Under was a single word, well name; Louis. Heart pounding i dialed it, not knowing why, it was just an instant reaction.
"hello?" came an angelic voice that already i knew to well.
"louis?" i asked
"yeah who's this?" came his voice again. Before i could answer he spoke again. "oh Harry!"
it made my heart skip a beat when he said my name. I nodded then realised i was in the phone.
"oh ur yeah" i said, still nodding.
"hey, you found my number then" he said, i could hear his voice change as he smiled.
"yeah, hey could i talk to you?" i asked

Gay, and in a gang [Punk! Louis, Punk! harry]
FanfictionThe rule is your not aloud to interact with people in the other gang unless in a fight. But that's quite hard when you fall for one of the people in a different gang