" we have never had to so we don't need to this time" Cooper voiced, standing on top of a discarded box to be able to look over us.
"But it's never bent his bad" Lumdun voiced. Rodgers seemed to of forgotten last night and was leaning on my shoulder, swaying in the breeze.
" don't know what the fuss is about really" he loudly whispered to me, I turned to look at him.
"Mainly you" I said truthfully, he was the one that came back with flipping blood on his hands!
"huh" he said, raising his head of my shoulder and looking at me, his eyes seemed misted over, like he wasn't there. Honestly I don't think he really was anymore, he seems to be slipping away day after day. He just shrugged and laid his head back on my shoulder.
"Can't we just go and say sorry, we caused blood and maybe death!" I shouted out, not really actually seeing most of the fight, but the ending was a horror movie. Everyone mumbled an agreeing mumble, so we trudged off.
"Ok ok calm down" I yelled out, everyone was chaotic about the previous fight. scooter was down, we weren't sure if he was going to get up again. I traced my hand down my face, everyone slowly calmed down a and faced me.
"I know they caused us damage-" everyone went haywire again " BUT " I raised my voice, they stopped talking again. " we caused them damage to"
"Like what?" someone called out, followed by agreements. i paused, lost for words, they shuffled about looking at me, what had we done?
" we made them bleed and were violent" i said nodding my head
"we always do that though!" someone called out. Now i was stuck, what should i say.
"we are saying sorry and that is final!" i yelled, i then felt like hitting myself in the head. Everyone groaned to voice the dissaprovle.
" this way, might as well get it over and done with" i said, walking out onto the dimly lit street.
I dont know what came over me, i just felt like i had to say sorry. And he wont get out my head: his green eyes, curly hair, talll, slim body. I rubbed my temples, and relaxed my shoulders, realising they were hunched. Turning a corner, another group was heading our way. I pushed my hand out behind me, signaling to stop. i squinted trying to make out their features, they steeped into the light, stopping when they spotted us. His green eyes glinted, tracking mine down, my heart beat twice its normal speed, my breath caught in my throat.I turned back and shakily nodded my head. We carried on forward, advancing on them. They took a step back, obviously thinking we were going to hurt them.
"sorry" they all came out with in unison. I froze, my gang pushing me forward as they bumped into me.
"what?" i asked, i saw harry take a deep breath.
"sorry" he said again " we went to far last night, we hope your friend is OK" i stared at him, wait we were meant to apologize. i nodded
"were sorry to" i finally said.
"what? why?" harry asked, " we were the ones that brought out blood" he paused " i think" he added, then i remembered, neither of us knew what actually happened, we were stuck in time in a way. I looked back to my gang askinig for back up. Hammer stepped forward
"it was him" he said, his fingure pointing at a brown haired guy resting on harry, when i noticed this i tensed up, wait why am i tensing up? Hammer's eyes were narrowed and piercing, he was closest to Scooter although he tried to hide it, we all knew.
"what?" said the brown haired guy standing up straight. I couldnt take my eyes off him, i felt hate coming of me towards him, i couldnt controll it. I felt jealous, why?
"no Rodgers" harry whispered just loud anough for me to hear.
"you what mate?" rodges said, walking unevenly towards Hammer. I pulled him back.
"it's ok he's gonna be fine" i said, trying to calm him
"NO!" Hammer yelled, startling us all. " he could hardly breathe, he is in hospital, wires attached to him being fed, and changed by other people, because of you!" his voice was angry and echoes throughout the town. Both groups moved closer, breaths colliding we were so close, yet i couldn't help my eyes from drifting over to meet the green orbs. My heart fluttered.
"woah! we came to say sorry" said an older man form Harry's group, his arms raised in defence. Hammer didn't say anything, he breathed heavy, his eyes glued on the swaying rodger's. I felt something warm trace over my hand, i gasped and looked down, Harry's hand was gliding over my hand, trying to be discrete. I looked up to him, he was looking at hammer and Rodgers, i smiled and took his hand in mine. A smug expression crossed his face, butterflies filled my stomach. I cant help it, i think i'm falling for him.
My heart fluttered tremendously as Louis took a hold of my hand. I looked at him, he was looking at me. His eyes danced, i couldn't keep track of what was happening. His thumb ran over the back of my hand, his touch felt exhilarating, and safe.
"OK so were good then" coopers voice filled my ears, bringing me back to reality. I looked away from his blue eyes and turned to the scene. Rodgers backed away nodding as did the other guy from Louis' side. Our hands separated as we went back to our groups. To me he stood out of his group like a glowing angel, i couldn't help a smile spreading on my face, i saw one appear on his.
"you coming Styles?" Cooper called. I nodded slowly, my eyes still on Louis and turned to walk away, my head turning last. Just before i looked away Louis signed what i thought was: 10, same place, meet me.
AN: Ok i'm sorry this was a terrable short chapter, i had a block and didnt know what to do, its just a filler really :/ sorry

Gay, and in a gang [Punk! Louis, Punk! harry]
FanficThe rule is your not aloud to interact with people in the other gang unless in a fight. But that's quite hard when you fall for one of the people in a different gang