1. Meeting the rest

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I walked to the front door of the Salvator boarding house and I was not happy I was supposed to be asleep right now.

Elena wasn't with me thank god because I was about to kick down the door

I walked up to the door and kicked it as hard as possible and it came swinging open "what is it you need that you had to wake me up at this hour?!" I yelled

I looked around and saw Stefan sitting on a couch and Damon was pouring himself a drink but they both stopped to look at me "it's 10" Stefan said to me and I narrowed my eyes at him

"I know!" I yelled "what do you want?!"

"We are going to make a fake alliance with Klaus and sense your his best friend we want you to come" Damon said and I looked at both of them as if they were crazy

"Your both crazy no way am I going" I said

"Come on sis" Damon groaned and i tensed I guess Damon and Stefan noticed this because Stefan quickly covered it up

"I mean your like a sister to us" he quickly said and I looked at them weirdly

"Fine wake me up when we leave" I said falling asleep on the couch


"Wake up!!" Damon yelled and I groaned "we're leaving!"

"I got that" I hissed

"Oh Elijah will be there too" Stefan said

"Alright well knowing you two idiots you have something more planned, so what are you planning?" I asked

"That's for us to know and you to dot dot dot" Damon smirked before we left to the Mikaelson mansion

///at the mansion///

"Ah, Klaus! Are guests are here!" Elijah called for his brother "please come in"

We walked into the house to be met by Klaus "so I heard you wanted to do this in front of an audience smart choice, Jasmine! How lovely to see you again" Klaus went over to hug me and I hugged back

"You to Klaus" I smiled

While I was standing there looking around Klaus and Stefan were arguing about sitting down and eating eventually we all sat down

I wasn't really paying attention considering I was only here because they didn't want to get hurt sucks for them Klaus will do whatever Klaus wants

So I sat there eating silently the only part I payed attention to was when Elijah asked where Elena was "I don't know ask Damon" Stefan said

me and Klaus started dying laughing and Elijah looked at us I let my laughing dye down as Klaus explained "I'm sorry you missed so much, trouble in paradise" he laughed

After, Stefan started getting angry so Damon quickly went back to talking about the fake deal one thing lead to another and Klaus had Stefan on the floor and Damon and Elijah went to get another coffin only to come back minutes later

"Why haven't you left yet?" Klaus questioned

And they started smirking "I'm sorry brother we forgot desert" Elijah took the lid off a plate and three daggers were there and Klaus knew what was happening "what have you done" Klaus asked

then before he had time to react a really


Hot guy came out "hello brother" he said and Klaus put his hands up

"Kol" he said almost pleadingly I had never seen Klaus like that I looked at Kol then back to Klaus and back to Kol to see another guy come out and stabbed Klaus' hand

Klaus called him Fin before he was stabbed in the hand Klaus went to back away when Rebekah came out and stabbed him

"Bekah?" I questioned confused as I looked around

"Hey Jasmine" she smiled

suddenly there was a sharp pain in my head

"Ah!" I screamed and Rebekah ran to me

"What's happening?!" Damon demanded

"I don't know!" Rebekah screamed

"It's time for you two to leave we will take care of her this is only family business now" Elijah said and the brothers looked at me

I looked up in pain and nodded slowly before screaming again

"Jas! What's going on?!" Bekah yelled

"Make it stop!" I cried

Suddenly there was footsteps being heard and another lady

"Mother" Rebekah smiled standing up and I looked up trying to make the pain leave only to see kol look at me and crouch down next to me

"You ok darling?" He asked

"Do I look ok?!" I whispered

He only smirked...asshole

After there mother talked to Klaus the pain stopped and I sighed in relief

"Only witches would be able to feel that pain who are you?" She asked

"Jasmine and I'm a vampire not a witch" I sighed

"Unless your a hybrid like Klaus" she said looking at me I suddenly became very light headed and blacked out

///Kols pov///

As soon as I stepped into that room I saw my brother and a girl I didn't know who seemed very confused but she was also very beautiful

Her confusion was actually kind of funny I wanted to laugh if there wasn't more pressing matters right now I would've

Suddenly she started screaming don't get me wrong I really wanted to run over to her and see if she was ok but I honestly didn't want people to know I cared

So when the brothers left and Bekah stood up I looked at Jasmine to see her already looking at me I asked if she was ok

"Do I look ok?!" She whispered and I smirked and she just narrowed her eyes at me

She then sighed in relief as my mother was talking to her I guess the pain went away. We both stood up and it was a very short conversation between my mother and Jasmine before she started blacking out

She almost fell to the ground when I caught her I picked her up and walked over to the couch and put her down

"What happened? What did you do?" Rebekah asked mother

"She's a hybrid but she doesn't know it" mother explained

"What?" Klaus asked walking over to Jasmine and taking her hand. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit angry by this but I hid it

"She's a vampire and a witch" she said

"Why are you here?" I asked

"I want are family back together" she said looking at us all. Then the doorbell rang and we went to open it

When we opened it we saw Elena and Stefan at the door

"Sorry I'm here for my sister, can I come in?" Elena asked

"Yes come in" mother said

They both walked into the house and Elena ran to her sister "what did you do?!" She asked we all stayed silent and Stefan came a picked her up and walked out of the house

As I watched her go I couldn't stop thinking about how I want to know more about her
First chapter done yay

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