10. Connected

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3rd person

Kol helped Jasmine into his family home and as soon as he stepped through the door Klaus was there seeing what was happening as soon as he saw what was going on he went to help Jasmine as well until Kol pulled a protective arm around her

"I got her" he said sternly and Klaus smirked before raising his hands in mock defense as he backed away.

Kol helped Jasmine into the living room and set her down on the couch and about twenty minutes later she was in a deep sleep.

"You really fancy her don't you?" Klaus asked

"I do. She told me she loved me earlier" Kol smiled at the memory

"Mm you know when she came to New Orleans for awhile I hated her I knew she was a witch and I also knew she was a werewolf and a vampire." Klaus explained

"That's why you kept her! Because she was like you! A hybrid!" Kol said standing up

"I wanted to kill her because she very powerful even more then me. When I met her I saw she had no idea that she was more then just a vampire she was innocent" Klaus looked down messing with his ring

"Just like how innocent Marcel was?" Kol asked and Klaus looked at him confused "yes brother I know all about him. You see my brother and sister have caught me up on what I've missed"


"Jeremy we have to do this!" Elena explained as they searched for Bonnie

"But Elena this seems cruel!" Jeremy tried to change his sisters mind

"No it's not we have to connect them. She let him do that to us she said she loved him" she yelled

"Same can be said about you and Damon!" Jeremy yelled but Elena ignored him.

Reaching Bonnie's house Elena knocked on the door quickly and Bonnie ran to open the door

"Elena? Jeremy? What's up?" Bonnie asked resting against the door.

"We need a favor" Elena said sighing

"You want me to connect your sister, and Kol." Bonnie said looking at Elena like she's crazy

"Bonnie please she puts us in danger! Please!" Elena begged and Bonnie could not simply say no

Sighing Bonnie finally gives in and nods before getting everything she needs for the spell.

After a little while Bonnie looked up "it's done"


Jasmine woke up screaming her head hurting like someone shot her.

Kol also feeling this pain as he gripped his head groaning in pain

Klaus came in seeing the two in pain before asking what was wrong and the groaning and screams of pain gave him the answer that they were in to much pain to speak.

And suddenly it stopped both breathing in relief Kol went over to jasmine grabbing her hand "are you ok?" He asked before She nodded sighing again

"What the hell was that?!" Rebekah asked stomping her way into the room before taking a look around "what happened" she asked more calmly

"I don't know" Kol said rubbing Jasmine's hand

Suddenly Jasmine gasped before her eyes turned black.

Jasmine's pov

Whispers. That's all I can hear right now is whispering. Before a voice spoke up.

Jasmine. My sweet girl, do you know what happening?


Your witch powers have been activated by the connection spell by the bennet witch

Wait? What connection spell?

Your sister Elena asked Bonnie bennet to connect you and Kol mikaelson so whatever happens to him will happen to you.

So meaning if he died?

You would die as well. But slower and more painful. I must send you back now goodbye.

With that my eyes turned back to normal and I started breathing heavily.

"Jas? What happened?" Kol asked taking my face in his hands

"Elena connected us" I said shakily "so whatever happens to you will happen to me" my eyes started watering as I looked into Kols eyes

"Then I guess I'll just have to stay safe ya?" Kol smiled lightly trying to lighten the mood.

"That doppelgänger bitch! I'm going to kill her!" Rebekah roared walking towards the door.

"Rebekah!" Klaus yelled making his sister turn back around "you will not lay a finger on her"

"You would rather have your walking blood bag then your own best friend safe?!" Kol yelled

Klaus looked at me solemnly before I looked away rubbing my hands together as the siblings fought

They payed to much attention to each other to even realize I ran up to the extra room before closing and locking the door.


New chapter so soon that's new.

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