Sweet like sugar
Tweets on twitter
Feets shining bright
Heels gaining heightThe way she dressed
I was feeling blessed
I want to hold you close
Like couples in titanic poseItz our wedding day now
But I want to kiss u somehow
Cant wait for ni8 to arrive
Baby letz run for a long driveEveryone knows the truth
You with me me with u no reboot
The way you are walking
I remember y i did stalkingYou are beautiful no doubt
I want to shout it out loud
Cant belive ur are wearing wedding dress
Cant wait for customs to end, having stress
Am I what you can have best
Or am i just better then rest
3 AM
PoetryAgain after weeks I have returned with another! This books is not in story form, this time I have just given poems which readers will relate automatically. Still some poems are there which will not be related to all but will touch the soul. Enjoy a...