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Operation Desert Eagle

Baghdad, Iraq


Enjoying a rare, tranquil moment in the scorching desert, Vincent Moreno stared out into the hazy sunset. Across his chest he was holding the gun that was now just as much a part of him as the slow-beating heart under his U. S. Army uniform. His mind had only begun to wander to the usual memories of his beautiful Rose when his thoughts were interrupted by his partner Will's whispers directed to all of them.

"Y'all ever wonder what you'd be doing back home if you weren't here?"

Vince shrugged still staring at the sunset. He let the other guys respond. Most said the very thing he was thinking, "Always."

Will straightened out from where he'd been slouching against a wall. "The first thing I'm gonna do when I get back home is ask Missy Anne to marry me. I can't tell y'all how many times I've had a hankering to ask her in a letter or even on the phone, but that's not how I wanna do it."

Will and Vince had gone through boot camp together. They shared the same bunk, and though Vince had been a tough one to get through to, somehow Will had managed to get through Vince's hard shell and befriend him. They'd been through a lot together. Will was now, not only the only person Vince had opened up to here, but after everything they'd gone through just this past year alone, Will was now quite possibly the closest male friend he'd ever had. Something about this cheery southern boy had grown on him. The boy loved talking, and that alone could jolt Vince's out of his miserable moods at least for a while.

The one thing Will couldn't stop talking about and went on and on the most about was his Missy Anne. Even though it was painful to hear about his happy relationship and how his girl was happily waiting for him back home, Vince couldn't help but smile when Will talked about her. Will's smile was never brighter than when he spoke of his girl. It brought back memories of when just thinking of Rose was enough to put a goofy smile on Vince's own face.

Curiously Vince finally broke his stare with the nearly gone sunset. "How you gonna ask her?"

Will stood up, and Vince glanced around cautiously then laughed when he saw Will's stupid overly serious expression. Will held one hand over his weapon, which also lay across his chest, then held out his other. "You only ask the love of your life once, so it's gotta be extra special. I'm gonna ask her in front of the whole town. Get down on my knees right there in the middle of town square."

He got down on his knees directly in front of Vince to demonstrate with a big smile as the other guys around sniggered. "I'm gonna say," he lifted his hand up at Vince, "Missy Anne, will you—"

The gunfire came out of nowhere, and in the next second they were all sprawled out on the floor firing back in the direction the shots had come from. Orders were yelled out along with painful cries from those that got hit. They all scrambled, and with the sunlight gone, it was hard to tell who was who in the darkness. But one thing was for sure: Will wasn't running with him like he normally was during these attacks. They usually stayed close—had each other's backs. But Vince didn't see him anywhere; he hadn't since that first shot.

"Will!" Vince called out as the gunfire began to cease.

There were a few more shots in the distance, and Vince knew they had to make a move again. There'd be no sleep tonight, not since their cover had been blown. "Will!" he called out again.

"Over here!" Someone else answered his calls. "He's been hit."

Rushing over to the sound of the voice, Vince's lungs were already having a hard time gasping for air. The two soldiers crouched next to a body as Vince approached. This wasn't good. Vince could see that Will was fighting in vain for his life.

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