Fate - Highlights

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So here's the highlight/teaser reel of what you can expect if you download Fate on ANY of the online retailers.

Just before Vince left, Sal told him about how miserable Rose had been those first few days after it all went down. Then Sal warned him that Grace was hurting for Rose as well, and that really pissed Sal off. "Grace doesn't want you messing with her sister anymore. I warned you a long time ago, Vin, not to hurt her. After everything I've done for you, I think this is the least you can do for me. Respect my wife's wishes. You've done enough already. Stay away from Rose now."


The first chance he got—two weeks into boot camp—hewrote to her. But he had to be sneaky. He sent it to Lorenzo and asked him tomail it using a girl's name with a fake La Jolla return address.

That was almost a year ago. She'd never responded to even one of his letters, and Lorenzo assured him he was sending them to the right address. Then months ago he sent word to Rose, this time mailing directly to her himself explaining it all—assuring her his love for her was just as strong and he'd do anything to make it up to her—still he hadn't heard a thing from her.


It hurt like hell that she'd not only begun to just see someone else she had a fucking boyfriend, and she'd apparently been with him for months.


"Guess who's going to Iraq?"

Will's eyes opened wide. "You're joshing?"


More time passed, and with every letter Rose receivedthat said nothing more than he was sorry again and again, she wanted to scream,"Why?" How could he be so stupid? And why didn't he fight harderto try and stay?

As the months passed, she stopped reading the letters.It actually hurt each time a new one came, opening up all the old wounds shewanted so desperately to heal. She didn't even bother opening them, but shecouldn't bring herself to throw them away so she stashed them in her bottomdrawer—still sealed.


Dr. Michaels frowned. "Symptoms like this and what youdescribed as tingling of your feet and fingers don't even show up until it's realbad."

Rose tried to be strong. She wouldn't cry, not aboutthis, too. She'd done enough crying in the past few months to last her alifetime. "So what does this mean? Can...can it be fixed?"


Foolishly he'd begun to believe that being this far from her would help him get over her, but he'd been unequivocally wrong in every sense of the word. Vince lay there on the unforgiving hot desert sand, almost wishing he'd be killed rather than go back home, knowing she wasn't his anymore.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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