Four: Training

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Four: Training

Ami had a day release on Kakashi. She was allowed to spend the day with Kakashi without Kakashi’s social working having to be there. She could do as she pleased with Kakashi without having to worry about his social worker stepping in and saying she wasn’t allowed to do that.

Ami walked side by side with Kakashi down the road towards the field that Ami liked to train in. Not many, if Ami were to guess she would say no one, know about this training ground.

It was the place she took Jiraiya to and they fell asleep next to the lake together. She was going to show it to Kakashi as a place he could go and be by himself, or train on his own.

After explaining to Kakashi about this place Ami had brought him to she explained that she was going to train him. She smiled behind her mask as she watched Kakashi nod.

“What would you like me to train you in first?” she asked ruffling Kakashi hair under her hand.

“Teach me a new Jutsu.” Kakashi said looking up at Ami.

“Have you learnt how to walk up trees yet?” Ami asked crouching in front of Kakashi. Kakashi nodded his head with a closed eye smile. He was wearing his make. “How about walking on water?” She asked.

Kakashi tilted his head to the side, “Walking on water?” Kakashi asked.

“Yeah,” Ami said standing and heading to the water’s edge. “Walking on water.” She said focusing her chakra to her feet. “Like this.” She said with a little laugh as she walked out on the water then turned back to Kakashi.

Kakashi clapped his hands a little, “Wow!” he said. “That’s cool.”

Ami laughed brightly, “I thought so to when I was first learning to walk on water.”

Kakashi nodded, “How do you do it then.” Kakashi asked.

Ami walked back onto the grass next to Kakashi. “Focus your Chakra to your feet like you do for walking up trees. But then you walk onto the water you have to keep the chakra steady because the water surface isn’t steady like a tree.” Ami explained. “You have to concentrate on the flow of Chakra to your feet.”

“Hai,” Kakashi said with a sharp nod, “Understood.” He focused his Chakra to his feet and stepped towards the water’s edge. Ami watched as he slowly stepped into the water. Kakashi sank to his knees in water with a grunt leaving his lips.

“More chakra Kakashi.” Ami said with a laugh.

Kakashi made the hand seal again and forced a little more Chakra to his feet. He raised in the water before falling into the water fully. Ami laughed brightly as Kakashi emerged from the water, spitting some water from his mouth as he brushed a hand through his silver locks.

“Come on Kakashi, try again.” Ami said reaching a hand out to Kakashi.

Kakashi smirked under his mask as he reached up and took hold of his mother hand. Before she could pull him out of the water Kakashi pulled her into the water with a laugh.

Ami cried out as she splashed into the water next to Kakashi. As she came back to the surface of the water she whipped her hair out of her face and splashed Kakashi with water.

Kakashi laughed and splashed Ami back. “Got ya mommy.” Kakashi laughed.

Ami laughed herself, “You sure did.” Ami said fluffing up Kakashi soggy hair. “You sure did.”

Kakashi smiled at her from under his mask and stood up, Ami got to her feet to and the both of them walked out of the river. Ami sat on the edge of the river bank as Kakashi tried again and again and again.

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