The guy

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When I was done with hell(yes it's school) I want back home but when I walking home I saw a guy staring at me.he looked like a guy with black hair and had a white hoodie on that had red blood like spots and I could not see his face so I walked faster and when I looked back he was gone.when I got home it was 7:55 I did not know it was that late.I go to my room and got in my pjs and want to bed.i woke up and my window was open.i got up and closed it and a knife went to my neck and someone said behind me "Go To SLEEP!"when I thought I was going to die he didn't kill me he left.i got back in bed and did not go to bed at all.
I'm sorry this a short one to I'm sooooooooo sorry.i hope u like it though :3 bye!

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