A new family

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Winters pov
So I guess My moms a wolf and I wonder what she looked like.
We made it to a very big mansion.
We walked in there were a lot of eyes on me so hid behind my dad.
Slender said"no need to be afraid....Avery one this is my daughter winter"I looked around and I saw Jeff!why is he here.
Jeff's pov
Why is she here!and she's slenders daughter.wow this is crazy.well I'm glad that I did not kill her or I would be kicked out of the mansion.
Winters pov
Wow all the people here are nice to me and I know they kill people like me and dad said that I was half demon wolf to I did not know that well now I do.this is going to be a cool amazing family.
I hope you like the chapter It was hard to make this chapter because it was hard to think of what to type or make the chapter great and ya well now you mow that that she is half demon wolf.oh one more thing......you  know that her mom was a wolf and her dad was a demon well you have to see what I mean in the next chapter.
Bye! :3/I hope you like the song to its called game over/slid the pic to the left and you'll see the mv/

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