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TITLE: just for show
{Harry Styles Fanfiction}
When someone hands you the opportunity to make your dreams happen, would you take it even with the crazy conditions?

That's the decision Cailin Reed had to make when she was offered to join the band 'All Oblivion'. A boy band made up up Harry Styles, Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson.

The band of the three boys had only started to make it into the lime light and yet their manager thought of the brilliant idea to bring a girl into the band. Harry hates her. Zayn likes her. Louis accepts her. Cailin is brought into a world of crazy rumors, betrayal and falling in love with someone who she's not supposed to. Little did she what she had in hold for her after she signed that dotted line.

"#cailinpeopleproblems " - Muke_and_Larry"

"And a tear streamed down my face " - MariamAbass

"I love your story so much !! It's perfect.. Please more !! :) ♥ " - evabourreau"

I loved this chapter, it's amazing how great of a writer you are. You're awesome at keeping it interesting, I sense drama coming on. " - styleslove7Fanfic

Instagram: just.for.show
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{SEVENTY chapters}

---OPINION:i love this book so much :)

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i love this book so much :)

BEST HARRY STYLES FANFICTIONSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant