Chaper Three: My New Friend

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     When we got to P.E my two brothers James and Jackson were on one team with some other people. I can see most of the girls around them. But my other two brothers Ray and Ryan were on my team but the studied girls were around them too. So I was all alone on my team.
The game we were playing was dodge ball. I mutter under my breathe," great studied dodge ball I know I'll be the first target." I sighed and got ready to dodge. When the whistle was blown dodge balls were fling ever were one was coming for me but someone caught it. She looked to be a little older then me and three inches taller too. I was only 5'5, she had long light brown hair with hazel eyes. I started at her as she caught the ball and throw it back and hit the girl that glared at me in the parking lot and she was out.
I smiled and looked at the girl. She asked if I was okay and I nodded yes. " Hi the names Hazel, what about you?" I broke from my trans and I said " I'm Katara, its very nice to meet you Hazel and thanks for saving me." She waved me off and then the bell rang for us to leave when I moved from Hazel blocking me a ball was thrown at me head and side when it hit my side I coughed and blood came out.
It was not that hard but my sides are very sensitive when something hits me really hard in the side or stomach I was like that ever sense I was little. When the ball hit my head I feel to the ground and was breathing hard trying to stop from coughing out to much blood. I open my eyes and turn my head to see a girl smirking then pretends to care for me because I'm hurt. I look around and see my brothers running to me and Hazel running to the girl ready to kill her. James hold Hazel back while Jackson, Ray, and Ryan come running to me to see if I was hurt more then it looked like it. The kids came running to me but Ray and Ryan hold them back as Jackson picked me up and took me to the nurse's office. My eyes got heavy and I could not hold them open any longer and I became unconscious from lack of blood. The last thing I remember was Jackson with a worry look in his eyes and telling me to stay awake.
Hey guys sorry I took so long I didn't mean to and sorry for my lack of good writing I'm not that good like I said in the first chapter.

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