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7 years ago..


It was an early morning. Daniel streched, and slumped out of bed. only yesterday he had lost the CREW election for commander position to Evan Covmann. feeling suicidal, he drank tell he passed out. "merr...." Daniel quiverd on the floor. he limped up, evverything around his shook in a grey tint. slowly he limped to th window and threw up. He fell to the floor.-

BANG BANG BANG " GET UP DANIEL, YOUR GOINNA TO MISS SPEECH!!!" Daniel flashed up, silently swore at the person at the door, threw his clothes on and ran out of his room. he later realized he was still wearing his slippers, but didn't mind. he took the transport to C level, two rights to the main hall, and a left to the stage.  -" AND I THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING TO MY SPEACH. HAVE A GOOD DAY." Evans speach droned on and on. Fully recovered from his hangover,(you can learn how to do this with experience) Daniel stood up as the anthum played. after the anthum, Evan walked back up to the stage. "ALSO, I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT"- his voice was cut of by a gunshot almost missing Evans head. a masked man ran Thrugh the crowds, and, as he reached Daniel, handed him the gun and kept running. it felt cold in his still weak hands. He looked up at a large soldier. a punch cut off his thought.-



-Daniel awoke in a cell. next to him sat Evan. "hehehe... its over Daniel."

"w-why..." Daniel mumbled.

" I have always hated you. now its time to pay. this setup proved perfect."

"b-" he was stopped by a kick in the gut. the wourld blured...


Daniel awoke. he was being pulled into a small village. guards in red and black clad vertex steel armor were holding on to both of his arms. when they were in the middle of the city, a third guard walked in front of him with a M9. There Going to execute me! Daniel thought. in the crowd, he reconized a man. Liam. well I guess its to late to go back to my old SPEZNAS unit.      or is it...  the guard with the gun turned and said something to the commander. He used his chance. he pulled free of the guards, and kicked the gun out of ones hand. he shot all four before they could even realize what happened (he was a CREW soldier for 23 years after he left his SPEZNAS unit.) he walked off over the bloody dirt floor to Liam Stinov in the crowd. He was back.

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