Sh*t i am late again!!!!!!!

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My Life as a Model

Hope Yall like it, wrote this when i went to Tanzania for the summer :)))))

Hey my name is Cassandra Michaels but people call me Cas, I graduated top of my class in highs school, and now I attend UCLA for fashion and modeling. I grew up in L.A as long as I could remember. I am pretty tall about 5’7, I mix with Brazilian and white. I am 21 yrs old and a sophomore. I have an older sister who is a Victoria Secret Angel….yes people she is a model. She is the one that got the Brazilian look from my beautiful mother who is a surgeon and I got my white blond hair look from my dad who is a pediatric. I know with parents like that you would say we are loaded, but I say my life is pretty average….well not really my parents are always traveling to different parts of the world so pretty much I have been leaving with my sister for as long as I can remember. Because of my sister Victoria, I now work for V.I.K modeling agency. It number one modeling agency in the world, and easy paying job minus the constant nagging form the model. Which bring me to the most annoying person in my life….. Chace Peterson He is the number one model in the world…a.k.a  Mr .Greek G.O.D according to the girls all over the world and on campus, but to me he is Mr. arrogant, cocky, annoying and a whore. He slept with the whole entire female modeling population at the agency. He hates my gut and I hate his, we don’t talk to each other at school or at work, I try to stay out of his way but he keeps making my life a living hell both at school and work, and this year I have had it with him. Any ways enough about the introduction and let’s get down to my adventure as a model.

Bizz bizz bizz my phone went off

‘ seriously who the f*ck could be calling me this early in the morning’ I said to myself before picking up my phone

“ hello”I said not even boring opening my eyes

“ Cas, what the f*ck you ass better be in class in 15 minutes, its freaking 7:45” said Hannah my best friend, who happens to be a model to along with Chace and Eric. There are the only people that I talk too, the other model are too stuck up. Well only Eric and Hanna but not Chace.

“ dude its only….” I looked at my phone

“ omg! I am going to be late, thanks Hannah see you in a few” I said while throwing the covers away and getting up to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. I put on some random shorts and tank top. I found some shoes in the whole way I think they are Vicky’s but she won’t mind. I call my sister Vicky for short some times, use her full name when I pissed at her. I rushed down that staires, noticed the moving truck and people moving in some furniture, guess we got a new flat mate, probable a model, since every one that leaves here is a model except for me. I mean I couldn’t afford 2000 dollars a month for rent, I barely get paid. I took my purse and headed to my 1970s’ four wheel bronco, yes I drive a convertible bronco. I put it on the drive and rushed to class. I had about 59 seconds before class start, I was literally running for my life. I made it to the door just in time, I was breathing so hard. I looked up and saw Hannah’s blond hair and blues eyes stair at me, she waved for me to sit next to her.

“ about time Cas, you seriously need to started getting to class on time” said Hannah

“ well I got only two hours of sleep cause of stupid Chace, he literally made me go home late by messing up the fitting rooms” I said

“ what would you do without me” said Hannah

“ well, lets us say I am so glad you’re my bff” I said

“ so what up with the get up” said Hannah

“ what” I said I looked down and I noticed that my hair was down and curly, I had shorts shorts and  tank top, I usually  hate wearing tank tops cause my boobs are too big, I mean I am a D cup, and I hate my legs cause I think they are too long, I just don’t like the attention.

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