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Disclaimer: I do not own the cover picture, Vocaloid,The Video above, Or Hello Kitty. All rights belong to their respective owners.

A young Vocaloid that looks to around the age of five approaches a nice leather couch that is situated in the Vocaloid Mansions main living room. The Vocaloid's name is Ryuto Gachapoid, but most of his friends settled on calling him Gachi, or if they all happened to be playing castle. Sir Gachi, brave protecter of young Princess Yuki, and defender of King Piko and Queen V Flower. But he wasn't exactly feeling very much like a brave night at the moment, Yuki had ordered him to do a task only the bravest night could accomplish.

Defeat rival Queen Miku's terrifying dragon...Kagamine Rin.

Many had tried, and died in the act of doing so. Or that's what Yuki said anyway, he had believed every last word that spilled from his beloved Princesses mouth as he knelt in front of her his large emerald green eyes sparkling in wonder at the description of this terrifying creature.

"She has icy blue eyes that can shoot lasers!" Yuki had made little goggles around her eyes with her hands pretending to shoot a laser out of them at a domino standing up straight on a wooden desk which was pulled out and covered in battle plans. She stomps and the domino falls over."Don't get shot or you'll be fried! And you won't be Sir Gachi! You'll be Sir Deadchi! And I would hate for that to happen!" Sighing the young girl closes her eyes holding a sceptor close to her chest. It was made of a stick with a pink painted styrofoam ball at the stuck at one end. Holding her play crowned head high she takes the the sceptor and gently taps Gachi's shoulders with it."I give you my blessings."

"Isn't that his majesty King Piko's job?" Giggling the boy stands up from his kneeling position kissing his princesses hand."Why am I getting blessings?" He asks cocking his head to the right cutely. You were only telling me a story."

"I suppose I was telling you a story, but I'm terribly frightened of this Dragon. I believe she may cause the fall of my kingdom! Then we won't be able to play anymore!" Yuki takes out a red fan and hides her smile behind it, not wanting to break the act.

Gachapoid is startled."No more playing?" That means he would be so bored! He barely ever gets any masters to sing for. If Yuki wouldn't play with him anymore he was sure he would die of boredom!

"No more playing." She solemnly places a hand on his right shoulder still hiding her smile.

Gachapoid grins pointing at where the wall and ceiling meet "Then I'm going to defeat that Dragon! Watch out! Um..what was her name again?" Faltering he looks at Yuki for assistance shrinking in on himself a little whilst giving her an adorably clueless expression.

"Kagamine Rin." Now openly smiling she embraces him."Go destroy that Dragon for me, and I expect you back in time for dinner!"

"Yes Princess!" He calls back at her waving as he opens the door running out of the room on his quest for the Dragon.

(Line break)

Gachapoid is clutching a thing of hello kitty stickers. The friendly sorcerer Kaito had given him them."Those are magic kittens on the stickers." He had said."They will open her mind to the light of our kingdom and she will not only be defeated, but she will come join our kingdom! Isn't that neat?"

"Super cool!" He nods happily accepting the hello kitty stickers from Kaito."Thank you Sorcerer Kaito! I will bring you ice cream once I have completed my quest!"

With these words he was off again."Vanilla please!" Kaito calls after his retreating form."Ah. The imagination of the kid is incredible." Chuckling the blue haired Vocaloid closes the door his guest had left open."Now where did I put that scarf?"

(Line break)

Yes. This is where we left our young hero.

Slowly and cautiously he tiptoes to the leather couch with the hello kitty stickers clutched in a death grip as his heart hammers inside his chest. He was going to do this. For Yuki, for the kingdom, for vanilla ice cream...and maybe a few cookies.

Holding his breath he peeks over the top of the couch at the sleeping monster below.

Kagamine Rin is fast asleep on her back. An open book is covering her face as if she had fallen asleep whilst reading it. The title us "How to cleanse your mirror image of his sins! Three simple steps." Snoring softly her hands are crossed over her chest."Hnggg I'm the older twin..Yes I am" she mutters in her sleep.

"Scary." Gachapoid whispers to himself. Lowering himself down he comes around to the front of the couch. "Soon you will be my new friend." Nodding determinedly he peels if the first sticker placing it on her arm.

The instructions were very specific. He had to cover her entire arm otherwise she would just become even more evil, then she would wake up and blast him with her laser vision. So he was very careful while peeling and sticking on the stickers.

"Almost done" tongue sticking out of his mouth slightly he giggles when the last kitty is placed on her arm."Now for the final step!" Pulling out a black felt marker he writes. "Len 4 realz" on her forehead as the kindly man he had met on his way to the living room had told him too.

"Who just licked me?~"

Oh no she's waking up! Time to say the magic words to put the spell in action!

"PON PON COOKIES!" He yells throwing his arms in the air. "My job here is done!" He then dashes off not waiting to see if the spell had worked. He certainly didn't want to feel her wrath. What was it Piko had said that time? "If you make a girl mad....run like your life depends on it, because it does."

"Mmm where you going Gachi?" Rin yawns stretching."What the hell? Why are there stickers on my arm?" Turning to grab her phone she sees her reflection on the screen."Oh my god."


The End.

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