Mansion in the woods

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(Zero's P.O.V.)

I woke up the next morning to find out that Fawn had left after discovering Brittney. She left a note in her area of the tent for me and Jade. I woke Jade up and let her read it. "What was she thinking, for all we know it could just be a psycho that isn't one of his proxies." Jade said pacing around. "Yeah, but Fawn made it pretty clear that she knew it was them." I said re reading the note over and over.

(Fawn P.O.V.)

We had been walking since Midnight. "When are we gonna get there?" I asked messing around with my knife. "We'll be there soon, I would just slender walk you there but we both used up our charge when we we're coming to get you." Jeff said. "I have a question, how exactly are you so calm about this?" Toby asked looking back at me. "Well, this wouldn't be the first time I've seen you guys, last year I was walking in the woods behind my house and saw Masky, Hoodie, and E.J. standing there talking, that was before I moved." I explained walking along side him. 

"We're here." Jeff Announced as we walked out of the trees. In the middle of a field was this Huge run down mansion. "Wow, this place is huge." I said following the proxies across the yard. I heard a growl from behind me I turned around to see seedeater running after me. "H-Hey T-Toby should I run?" I asked semi running . "Huh? Oh umm that might be a good idea." He said pushing me towards the large house.

 I took off in a life or death sprint towards the front doors. When I made it to the base of the steps the large creature darted in front of me. I fell backwards and started to scoot away. "Seedeater down." A low voice rang out from behind him. He looked back and backed away to reveal E.J. standing there holding a bloody kidney in his hand. "Sorry about that." He said taking a bite of the organ. "It's no problem, E.J. right?" I asked. "The one and only." He replied.

"Come on slender's waiting." Jeff said stomping past us and inside. I followed him into the large wooden doors, wondering what his deal was. When I entered, the smell of mold and musty crashed over me. "Sorry about the smell." Toby said walking in behind me. I shrugged it off, it really didn't bother me that bad. "NEW PROXY ARRIVAL!" Jeff yelled in front of us. Then I heard it, it sounded as if a herd of deer or fangirls were running towards me at top speed.

 "Umm should I be scared?" I asked Toby backing away slowly. "Maybe, they did the same thing to me, except there weren't as many of them. Stand behind me, Sally will be the first one to ask you something." Toby warned. I nodded and did as he told me, I was much shorter than he was, so I was easily hidden. After the thundering sound of footsteps ceased I showed myself. "Everyone this is Fawn." Toby announced. A young girl, Sally i'm guessing walked up to me.

 "How did you die?" She asked. 'Die? I haven't died. Have I ?' I questioned myself. "Well, erm,-" "She hasn't died, not yet, I tried to yesterday, but she's got ninja skills." Jeff said pulling out his knife. "So it was you that tried to kill me?"  I asked turning to him and crossing my arms. "Yeah why?" He questioned back. "You throw like a girl, plus you gave me an early warning." I said remembering when he stepped on the twig. 

"Grr...Shut up" He said stalking upstairs. "Whoa." Someone in the small crowd said. "No one has ever said anything like that to Jeff before." The same person, who I recognized as BEN said. Well I guess that make's me the first." I said "And last." Jeff, who took of his jacket, added running at me. I reached into my back pack and pulled out the sword I clicked a button on it an it opened into it's full length. I dodged his first attack and swung at him myself, catching his bare arm.

 I dodged another attack, but got hit with the next one. my leg right leg was stinging from the pain. He wen't for my legs again going for my left leg. I stood still smirking. he stabbed my leg and nothing happened, I didn't scream I didn't flinch. "What the hec-" I cut Jeff off kicking him with the free leg and slashing at him again with the sword, this time catching his cheek. He backed away and stood up. "What's with your leg?" Toby asked.  "Fake." I replied before continuing the fight with Jeff. 

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