He knows.

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Jacquees POV

"Na, while you crying over than nigga man." She pulled away from me. "I'm not crying over him Jacquees! Its mostly Meghan I'm pissed off at. She's been my friend since elementary school, I can't believe she did that shit." I sighed. "He ain't shit, and you should have never trusted that bitch." She shook her head and stood up and walked to the bedroom and closed the door. I wanted so fucking badly to go bet the fuck out that nigga but I ain't wanna go to jail.

I stood up and walked to our bedroom, Naomi was already in bed so I slid in beside her and pulled her waist to mine and whispered in her ear. "You gone be sad all day?" She turned around and looked at me and I leaned in and pecked her lips. "No." "Get up then." I replied. "Carry me babe." I chuckled and pulled the covers off of her and saw she was only in bra and panties. I bit my lip and looked in her eyes. "Why you playing games?" She giggled. "I'm not playing." She replied. I laughed and it went down.

Later that night..

I woke up and Naomi was laying on me still asleep. I chuckled and shook her a little. "Get up sexy." She grunted and turned away from me and I smacked her ass as hard as I could. She turned around and punched me. "I will fight you Jacquees." I laughed. "Its eleven I thought we was going out tonight?" She looked at her phone and sighed. "Yes! Why you didn't wake me up earlier?" I laughed. "Because I fucked you for 3 hours straight. I was tired." She rolled her eyes. "I rode you for one of those hours so you should've been rested up." I laughed hard as fuck and slipped out the bed and went to shower while Naomi stayed in bed. Finally we both got ready and headed out.

"You look good ma." I said to Na, and she smiled and kissed my lips. "Thanks baby." I rubbed her cheek and pulled up the club of course my whole crew was there security was just right so I held Naomi as we walked in. We went over to VIP and we was just chillen vibin with the music. All of a sudden Naomi stood up and held her hand out for me. "Come on Ja I wanna dance." I smiled. "Alright baby girl." I stood up and we began to dance on each other and what not, it was intense I felt like we were the only two people in the club, she turned around and wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I wrapped mine around her waist.

"I love you." I said she smiled. 'I love-" she stopped in the middle of her sentence and stared ahead I removed my arms from around her and turned around.

"What the fuck are you doing Naomi? You fucking my niggas now? Man I should've known you would hoe around after me!"

I decked that Nigga right in his mouth and it was all a blur after that. I could faintly her Naomi trying to get me to stop but I wasn't listening. Finally I was pulled off of him and I grabbed Naomi and got in the car. When we got in the car we didn't say a word to each other. When we got home Naomi stormed out the car and into the house. I followed her as she ran upstairs screaming her name.
"Bring yo ass here Naomi!!" I walked in our bedroom and she looked at me. "Who the fuck are you talking to  like that?! First off why would you even let him bring you to that level?!"

"I was sticking up for you ! What the fuck are you talking about?" She rolled her eyes. "Whatever
Jacquees." She walked into the bathroom.
"I want to be alone Ja." "Naw come here."

Naomi's POV

"I'm foreal Naomi. Come here." He repeated himself. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not I'm the mood Ja." He busted the door down and I jumped. He stood there breathing heavy and shit. "What's your problem, you just saw this Nigga fucking your friend and you mad at me?! For sticking up for you?!" I ignored him filling the tub up. "Why I got a feeling you still have feelings for this Nigga?!" That was it.

"Because I do! I can't just stop loving somebody after seven years of being together!" He looked shocked, he walked out the bathroom. I followed him and he proceeded to grab his keys. I tried grabbing his arm but he yanked away from me. "Jacquees? Baby that's not what I meant." "Get off me Na." "No, stop Quee don't go please." He walked downstairs as I followed. "I swear on everything Naomi, get the fuck off me!"

"Listen to me please Jacquees!!" He ignored me and left anyway and of course I was left crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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