12. Sold

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"She's got eyes like an ocean, hair wound from gold, and a smile so bright it will melt your day. Dearest ladies and gentlemen, bidding starts at base price, $45,000." My mouth hung open as the dark-haired mannequin waved his microphone down to his side, while his arm extended behind him pointing in my direction. I stood there feeling like a piece of furniture under a spotlight.

Bought? I couldn't be bought, I am a human being; one of self-respect and self-worth. A being with a heartbeat, a soul, a destiny not yet fulfilled. Or was this my destiny? A slave to the desired wretches.

I wish I never left my house to go on a run that morning. I wish right now I was back home, nestled in between my sheets with a boiling cup of green tea by my side.

I could feel my body begin to shake as I thought of all of the stupid coincidences that could've happened that morning. I could've been held up at a traffic light for thirty seconds longer, or I could have ran into a construction site and had to have gone down a street further. 

Why is this happening to me?

My thoughts turned. I began to think about my father sitting hunched over his office desk at home. I wonder if he's desperately searching for me, or if Allison has lost sleep over my disappearance. I wonder if pictures of my face are plastered against the lockers at school, around town, or on television. I wonder if my mother is watching me now.

I feel light-headed and slightly numb. I swallow harshly to try and drag away my dry mouth as I look to my beat up wrists. The blood underneath the zip tie has now crusted over, sealing my skin to the object. Yellow and blue are amoung the spectrum that colors my flesh.
Reluctantly I look up from my shaking, half-naked body. In my mind I have visions of all the undeniably murderous ideas as to how I would kill each individual sitting in their smug little gowns and tuxes. But it was obvious I could not ensue, the men lined up behind me in sweaty green shirts would make sure of it.

My eyes meet the floor yet again as I force myself to look away from the crowd and their hungry paddles. My heart hammers endlessly against my chest. I could feel their eager eyes boring into my forehead and down along the expanse of my legs, as the announcer happily auctions me off.

I could hear the man's lips moving, but the words falling out of his mouth run at such a speed it was almost as if I was witnessing the birth of a new language.

"Sold!" My face shoots up, "To the highest bidder of a generous $980, 000!" The walking stick turns to me, his smile immediately dropping. "You lucky whore." His choice of words hits me harder than my head had hit the ground moments ago. Before I could react, a rough looking bald man steps up from behind me and tugs on my forearm. Starving eyes follow my movement as I begrudgingly walk across the stage to the stairs. Immediately I am met by a young looking, square-cut boy. He must have read my thoughts as he said,

"I have been sent to collect you."

A shiver runs through me as he says the word 'collect'. Although looking only slightly older than myself, his demeanor remains stern and intimidating. He turns to begin walking, and immediately my eyes fall on a large, white scar that follows the length of the top of his head, down to the bottom. It was hard to miss, his hair had stopped growing in and around the scar. He harshly pulls on my arm, taking me out of my trance. But as I remain in the same spot he looks over his shoulder viciously.

"I dare you to cause a scene,  nothing would make me happier than to pick up yet another body from the floor." He smiles while tugging at my arm once again. Hesitantly I begin to walk, but soon fall behind his strides and struggle to keep up with him. 

I look to my right and catch eyes with a young looking woman sitting next to a blonde man. Her dark eyes stand out extravagantly against her beautiful emerald dress. The man, who is holding her hand, whispers into her ear while starring at me, his filthy mustache twitching as he talks. The woman looks back at me bringing a fan up to her mouth while giggling.

The man in front of me snaps his head back yet again. His upper lip tugging in as he snarls at me to hurry up, but I still struggle to keep up with his strides.

We exit through two gigantic wooden doors, and take an immediate left. But despite my heavy breathing the stranger pulls me on. His grip on my wrist tightens the further we walk down the hallway. 

The atmosphere compared to the last room, thickens. My senses are on high alert as we press further into the corridor. I couldn't help but flinch as obscene noises could be heard from each room we walked passed. 

"Please, tell me what's going on." I question as the noises get louder. 

Ignoring my question, the man shoves me through an open door. I have to grab the wall beside me to prevent myself from falling over. Gasping, I grab my head as I notice the man is now gone.  My shoulders relax as a sigh leaves my lips. 

"You look like shit." 

My eyes widen in fear as I realize I wasn't as alone as I thought.

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