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The smell of freshly cooked bacon filled my nostrils, convincing me to finally wake up. I blinked into the light, blurry eyed and exhausted. I had slept through the drive to the cabin but when it came time to actually sleep I could do nothing but toss and turn. Eventually I would fall asleep only to be woken by vivid dreams that left a terrible taste in my mouth and a pounding headache.

"What time is it?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"Almost nine. I would've let you sleep but I could feel slip into one of your dreams" Roan's voice was tight with worry. I blink up at him, grimacing slightly. I was tired, so utterly tired and it seemed to only get worse with each passing night. I had no desire to do anything but lie in the bed, no energy but to laze around. Roan slips under the covers and draws me to him, my cheek pressed into the warm bare skin of his chest. His hands shifted over my hair, stroking softly.

"Mmmh" the sound escaped my throat before I could stop it. The motion of his hands sifting and gently detangling my hair was utter relaxing and I felt my muscles loosen. The smell of food intensified and my stomach growled, clenching painfully. I sat up and grunted as my world spin for a moment. I clutched the blankets, desperately trying to regain my sense of balance but the whirling refused to stop. "Shit" my lips tumbled over the swear as my mind sucked like a void. I spiralled, my head ricocheted into someone else's. It was like I I was in someone else's body, absorbing their pain. This time it was someone I didn't know. A girl. Cold, alone and dying from tremendous physical wounds. It hurt everywhere, it started as a dull ache and then suddenly I was feeling the full extent of her pain. My body clenches up and I curl into myself, my hands moving to try and clutch my skull. My head, whenever I would descend into these episodes of being someone else, always felt like someone was slowly pounding in nails with a hammer in every inch of my skull. The worst ones were always the ones from the past. I was feeling the last remaining pain of a girl left for dead at least a hundred years ago. It hurt. Just as soon as it hit it left and I swirled back into my own body, gasping and moaning in pain, the agony in my head intensifying. Little black spots danced in my vision and I focused desperately on Roan, watching as his lips moved. A dull ring echoes in my ears and then it's gone and I'm back to normal except for the awful pain in my skull.

"Adairea" Roan's voice was sharp as he spoke and I blink at him.

"My head" my teeth chattered as I spoke and Roan quickly lifted me into his arms. We'd been through this before. Medicine didn't help, at least the human kind but there was a Fey plant Roan had found that got rid of the lingering side effects of my episode. Before I would have to lay in bed with all the curtains drawn and every light off, completely incapacitated. It was part of the reason I had kept myself secluded from society. My episodes could happen anytime and anywhere. When they were over I was simply in to much pain to function and there was no logical way for me to explain to anyone human what was happening to me. Roan carries me to the kitchen, his voice a dull roar of barked out orders. I was curling into myself, so close to the edge of unconsciousness that I shook with the effort it took to remain awake.

"Daire" Roan coaxed me to listen and I raised my chin, opening my mouth as he pressed the edge of a glass to my lips. I force myself to down the wretched liquid, thankful for it when in seconds the pounding and slaughtering of my skull faded. I stretched from my curl and let myself go limp in Roan's arms. Pain at that level, even for a few minutes was utterly exhausting, adding to the lax, laze and lethargic  disposition currently pressing on my body. "You all right Baby?" Roan's voice was low and hard, his eyes black slits of blazing fury. At what I couldn't know, sometimes I doubted of he himself knew. It was simply imbedded in his nature, dark and twisted as it was.

"It's gone" I mutter in response. Roan runs his hands over me gently, massaging my limbs with nimble and strong hands. I close my eyes, turning my face into his chest and letting out a sigh of contentment.

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