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Roan leans against a tree, the bands of steel muscle in his arms flexing as he crossed them over his bare chest. His tattoo's swirled and rippled, weaving shadows across his skin. His expression was cool but his gaze was contemplating.

"You're not trying hard enough, sweet" There's a hint of impatience in his tone and I scowl at him, pushing stray locks of dark hair away from my sticky skin. There was a hint of smirk playing at the edges of his mouth, a mocking smirk. There was a dull roaring in my head, a seething rage in my blood as I looked at him. For the last hour he had attempted to teach me how to control my power. And for the last hour nothing had happened.

"I can't do this" I told him tonelessly. Roan's mouth tightens and he straightens.

"You can" he snarls. His eyes were black pits and his face was pure wrath. Shadows dance around him and I flinch from the pure energy of his power as it rolls over me. I stare up at him and warm tears drip down my cheeks. Roan's rage fades and his hands move to frame my face, his thumbs brushing away the tears.

"I can't control it" I tell him. The tears were frustration and they burned even after they were gone. The hell of al this was the lack of control. How having something that should've been a gift that only crippled me. Roan sighs and he drops a kiss to my forehead. There was a dangerous edge to that kiss, an edge that spoke louder than anything he could have said.

"It goes against every law of nature" Iris's voice cut through the air and Roan snarls lowly, his black eyes flashing. He moves and my world is blur of motion. I gasp and clutch at Roan, only to find him standing behind me, his arms wrapped around my stomach.

"Iris" Roan's voice held a clear warning and her eyes flashed. Her glamour flickers for a moment and her features become distinctly more feline.

"Daire deserves the truth, as much as we can give to her" Iris spoke with a steely edge and Roan bristles.

"What is she talking about?" I ask him. Roan says nothing and I can feel his power rolling and swirling. "Roan what the fuck is she talking about?" I demand.

"Suspicion" he snarls. Iris shoots him a glare.

"It could help us figure out how to help you control your powers" Iris tells me.

"Roan" I knew that if Roan continued to will it Iris would tell me nothing.


"I can't live like this anymore" I plead.

"No" I inhale sharply and turn to face him, our eyes clashing.

"Roan" I spoke harshly. "I have a right to know. If we don't solve this I will either go mad or it will kill me" his jaw set as the words came flying out of my mouth, his eyes burning hellfire.

"She's your mate" Iris cuts in softly. Roan looks up at Iris, his face carved from stone. We all knew what those words meant. I was his match in every way and as a male Fae his duty was to protect, to love, to cherish. He knew he had to tell me. But the bond was new between us and the urge to protect was stronger. Roan relaxes but his mouth is tight. His arms tighten around me and he eases us down to sit in the grass. Iris does the same, gracefully sprawling across the ground.

"There was a time, millennia's ago, when the courts didn't exist. The Fae have always been split and the lands of Tir Na Nog have always been separated the same they are now. The Dark and the Light have always existed. The High Court always had order but the Dark Court was different. We breathed and lived anarchy. There was no king, no one to rule us. We lived and breathed in darkness. But even amongst a Court with no law, no king there were the ruling classes. The Dark Fae were split between two powerful families, the Daerkmor's and the Dracomiror's." Roan flashes a feral smile. "Either family was impossibly powerful and the feud between the two ran deep. For Millennia's the two families fought the other with neither ever being the victor. And then the High Court became a solid front with a King and Queen to command it, a King and Queen who had every intention of ridding Tir Na Nog of Dark Fae. Our kind quickly realized that the High Court would succeed unless we became a united people. The Daerkmor's and Dracomiror's banded together under one flag. A deal was struck to bind the eldest son of the Daerkmor's and the eldest daughter of Dracomiror's in marriage and together they would rule."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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