Chapter Ten: Golden Gate High School, Home of the Bears

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                             *clears throat awkwardly* what's up? I am so sorry for the long overdue update. Things have been so hectic these last two months, between school stressing me out and another one of my family members passing. I was just too stressed and I didn't want to produce a half ass chapter for y'all. I also had zero motivation to write or do anything for that matter. I always try my best in school and I've been a straight A student since like the fourth grade when we started to receive letter grades. I noticed that when my motivation was dwindling my grades weren't up to their usual standards. I didn't want my writing to suffer, so I pretty much logged out and I think the last time I was on here I noticed I hit 900 reads so thanks so much for that!! I have a snow day today and I decided enough was enough and I picked up my iPad and here we are a few days later after editing!

enjoy (:

Chapter Ten: Golden Gate High School, Home of the Bears

After we finished our hot chocolate, Clayton decided that it was an amazing idea to carry me out of the café (as everyone kept a steady eye on us of course) and glare at the girls that were glaring at me. The one only smirked in return and blew kisses to him from across the room.

Axel later told me that it was Clayton's ex and his biggest fangirl. Well sorry to disappoint, but I am his biggest fangirl now.

Haha, just kidding.

Clayton carried me back to the clinic and it was determined that I simply bruised my knee and I had the big, purple mark to prove it. Clayton's mom stated that I had no other injuries, so basically I could've gotten ice and some Advil and I would have been skipping on my merry way. She did say that I could be feeling pain because of the swelling and that I would be fine by tomorrow as long as I kept ice on it.

And that's where we begin.

I flopped around like a fish in the sea of blankets that was my bed. My knee sat elevated on an extra pillow and a bag of ice was placed on top. The pain had long left my knee thanks to the two Advil I had taken after having some delicious pasta and some apple juice. The swelling had gone down so much, that I could walk without any pain at all. I glanced at the clock and the bright, colorful letters told me it was 2:34 am. What was keeping me up so late you ask?

Clayton fudging Taylor and Axel flipping Marone.

I was in a group chat with the two. Since I have a certain way of doing things, I had Axel give me his last name because I had to have everyone in my contacts with a first and last name. It's so satisfying to me. I planned on adding the other players into it later after I've met them all and be like 'surprise bitch.'


Clayton: Carrot don't fall asleep on us
Axel: Come on any girl would be dreaming of this
Clayton: Carrotttttt
Axel: Olivveeeeee
Olive: Guys I need to sleep I have to steal a jersey tonight
Clayton: I almost forgot about your night job
Axel: I still cannot believe you have outran every single member of our team and every other quarterback
Olive: What can I say? They just give up with my super awesome ninja skills
Clayton: I still have a bruise on my shin from you
Olive: Aww poor baby, want me to kiss it better?
Clayton: Can you kiss other places too (;
Axel: Ew guys I'm still here
Olive: Don't worry Axel, I'm sure you'll do a much better job with kissing those other places (;
Axel: Clayton want me to come over (;
Clayton: Sure babe (;
Axel: I'll bring Shelby
Olive: Shelby?
Axel: My dog
Clayton: ....
Axel: YES
Olive: I've always wanted a dog
Clayton: Why have a dog when you can have me?
Olive: Dogs are great cuddle buddies
Clayton: True, I only cuddle for a little before it leads into other things....
Axel: Yeah Olive wouldn't you want to experience those other things? I'm sure dogs can't do them (;
Clayton: I bet you're blushing right now
Axel: Ooooooooo blushy blush
Clayton: Wtf?
Olive: I can't believe you just said blushy blush and I'm sorry guys but I can't keep my eyes open anymore
Axel: Goodnight Olive I looovvveee youuuuu
Clayton: Goodnight Carrot I love you more than Axel xoxo

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