The Guild is my Family

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Lucy's P.O.V.

We finally got there, as soon as I open the door I see a table fling,heading right towards me! I was about to yell but Natsu burned the table before it hit me. I blushed knowing that somehow I knew he would save me....wait what am I saying, it was only a table! I look at Y/N. She was laughing and Natsu laughed along with her. I don't know why but I got jealous, I don't know but the feeling hurt.

"you know if you see a table coming towards you, you move out the way right?" She said

"it's obvious that she wanted to get hit." Natsu teased

"whatever let's go in already!" I shouted out, embarrassed.

Natsu's P.O.V.

It was so nice to see Y/N again, she is so awesome and the girl Lucy well she was alright(friend zoned).Y/N and I teased her about it and seeing her laugh made me blush, I don't know really know why but it did. I stuck my tongue at her as we entered the guild with Lucy and she just giggled.

"sup! Are you new to fairy tail?" Gray said behind Y/N

"Gray, stay away from her.*looks at Y/N* trust me you don't want to get involved with this stripper!" I said

"relax Natsu I wasn't. " she assured

"why not?" Gray said faking tears

"Shut it Ice Princess" I shouted at him

I punched him in the face.


Your P.O.V.

I watched as they fought, I could tell that they were both one of the strongest in the guild. I walked over to the bar. I watched as Lucy had her guild mark stamped with no effort involved.

"My guild mark will be so much better!" I teased her

"hurry and get yours." She said

I looked at the beautiful women behind the bar, maybe she was Mirajane that Lucy was talking about, I still didn't see the resemblance but whatever.(sorry if you have a resemblance)

"Hi I'm Y/N! And I want to join fairy tail! So what do I have to do?" I asked

"well first you must talk to me." I saw a giant man with Natsu and Gray squashed under his feet.

"oh are you the master? I'm Y/N and I'm a water dragon slayer." I said "pleasure to meet you"

The master shrunk to dwarf size and I just stared in shock.

"you can call me gramps. I would like to see your powers, fight Natsu." He said

"with all do repsect, I will not fight him.*every one was in awe*....but if you say so! we all know who's going to win! Me!" I laughed at the last part " READY NATSU!"

"someone's cocky! IM ALL FIRED UP NOW!" Natsu shouted

Both of us down, I got up,Natsu stayed down. I just giggled. I offered Natsu a hand,but he just pulled me down with him.

"WHAT THE- NATSU!!! I was trying to be generous!" I said in a playful tone

"well it wasn't so helpful. But now that you're down again, it's a tie" he said with a smirk

"the winner is Y/N" Happy yelled

"HA! Even your partner said it,see I knew I could beat you!" I yelled a little over excited as I got up again

The guild hall was a huge mess.

"congratulations Y/N you earned a spot at Fairy Tail!" The old man smiled

"awesome! I mean water does over power fire."I yelled, everyone cheered

"Yeah and opposite attract." Gray smirked

I blushed but just ignored the comment.

I got my guild mark in my left shoulder in F/C.

"so Y/N, would you like to join Team Natsu?" Natsu asked "Lucy already joined and there are others, Erza,Gray,Happy,Lucy, and I. Yes or no?"

"Absolutely! Of course!" I shout, feeling like I was apart of something.

I hugged Natsu half to death and jumped wanting to meet the red head.

"hi I'm Erza a pleasure to have you on team Natsu!" She said

I was so happy, she was so pretty and strong at the same time. Then after everything we all just hung out. My little group to hang out with was levy, Natsu,gray, Lucy,Erza, happy and I. They barely knew Lucy and I, yet we got treated as if we have been here from the beginning. I absolutely loved fairy tail.

I loved my new family! And I will not abandon them.

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