Slayer Of My Heart

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Your P.O.V.

It was already 12 in the afternoon and I was getting a bit nervous. I just wanted to tell someone to get the weight off my chest. I went to Levy and dragged her to the guilds restroom.

"Levy I just have to take this weight off my chest and you're my best friend so I need to tell you." I said to her

"Jeez Y/N. Just tell me what you need to get off your chest. Are you going to tell me who you like! I didn't know the strong water dragon slayer had a crush!" She said

"I do and that crush happens to want to meet me today to tell me something important.... And I need some advice."

"Well first describe his personality."

"I guess he's carefree, reckless but he can also be protective, strong and very loyal." I said with a blush visible on my face

"It's Natsu isn't it!" She said so confidently, I just nodded.

"some advice is to act innocent as if it was just a normal day, you meet him,he meets you. If he confess, you confess. If he doesn't confess, then...he's probably not ready for love, remind you that he can be child-ish at times, same goes for you. You should probably hold hands, hug or something like that in the end to make it convenient." She said as if she were a pro herself

"what if I make a fool of myself? Then he'll never talk to me again, or we won't be best friends!"

"calm down, for all we know, he could be planning a special night" levy said to calm me down


*timeskip 2:50*

Natsu P.O.V.

'Today was the day! I am going to confess! Y/N's just perfect! H/C and her beautiful E/C eyes, she's so beautiful' I thought to myself, I even blush just thinking of her.
Then I saw Y/N come with a purple shirt and F/C skirt, and some combat boot, new earrings, perfect hair dew and her eyes shinning from the effect of the horizon.

"Y-Y/N, I see you came on time"

"Yup!" She with a huge smile

"this is for you." I handed her a rose

"T-thanks, that's very nice of you." She blushed

"I have a picnic set up, I have a whole day planned!" I said

"cool, can't wait." She said with a smile, I blushed even darker

I laid out the food and I watched as she helped me. She poured us the drinks and I uncovered the foods. I was actually excited to eat with Y/N. She was so cute. Before I knew it I was staring at her.

"what are you staring at Natsu?" She asked so innocently

"you of course!" I teased and that formed a blush on her face.

' Success!!! '

Once we finished eating. I showed her the two tickets to enter the carnival. It was a monday so, it shouldn't be that packed. I showed the tickets to her. Soon her smile faded.

"Natsu, don't you remember we have motion sickness." She said

I started to sweat bullets, not knowing what to say.

"dang-it I forgot!" I yelled at myself        'well,guess I have to take her somewhere else then'

Your P.O.V

'it was sweet for Natsu to buy tickets to the carnival a bit dumb at the same time. What about our motion sickness!' I chuckled at Natsu's idiotic thinking.

"what's so funny?"he asked

"how can you be so sweet and retarded at the same time, it's so cute and adorable." I laughed

"not as cute as you though." He said, I blushed once again

'by the end of this, I'm probably going to be a tomato' I thought to myself

"why don't we go for ice cream together, and a walk through the park. Then you can tell me what is important, unless you want to tell me now." I suggested

"sounds like a great idea!" Natsu exclaimed

  He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. He dragged me to the nearest ice cream shop. There was a silence. It was a nice silence.

  We finally made it to the ice cream shop, and we earned some cheers from strangers, they thought we were a couple and all. I blushed at the thought, I thought of a passionate but heated kiss. I stopped my thoughts as I heard Natsu calling my name.

"Y/N, are you alright? Don't space off like that on me, you worried me for a sec." He said

"Oh sorry" I said in a soft tone

  We went to the register, I asked for (favorite ice cream flavor) and Natsu asked for a vanilla with sprinkles with frosting and 2 slices of banana. Damn it sounded good. When they gave us the ice cream and Natsu paid. I thanked him for paying even though it was my idea to get ice cream. We walked out and started to walk around the park enjoying our ice cream. The silence once again took over, but then Natsu decided to break the silence.

"so Y/N, do you have a crush on anyone?" Natsu asked out of curiosity

"uhh, yeah" I said with a blush" how about you?"

"yeah I do too. I knew her from the very beginning" he said " I don't know how to confess though."

"umm, maybe you should be confident and tell her." I said a little worried that I wasn't the crush

"alright, then I'll do it." He said

  Before I knew it I got leaned against a tree by Natsu. He's hovering over me. I was 100% a tomato.

"N-Natsu?" I asked

"your going to make me say it...." He said

"s-say what?" I asked

He looked away and quickly looked me in the eyes and kissed me. My eyes wide open and Natsu's closed, I soon melted into the kiss. The kiss was passionate. When he pulled away I was disappointed and let out a little whimper. He chuckled a little. Then he gave me a cheesy smile looking down and still smiling.

"Your going to make me say it." He said as he lifted his head to look at me directly in the eyes.

"I got no idea what your talking about."

"You know what" He chuckled as he bit his lip which I thought was hot af

"No I don't ." I smirked as I bit my bottom lip, teasing him like he was to me

"Fine then I'll do it." He sighs as he rest his forehead on mine


"I love you." He said

"I-I love you too." I say as I kiss him

We pulled apart and we started walking home together.

"does that mean we're a couple now?" I asked

"of course silly!" He said going back to his childish ways

  Once we finally got home and about to say our goodbyes, I hugged him and he hugged me back. I used some of levy's advice and kissed his cheek.

"goodbye Natsu, see you in the guild tomorrow" I said sleepy

"bye Y/N. I love you."

"Love you too"

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