Chapter 18

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I know it's been a while... I'M SORRY!

And i know this chapter is short... I'M SORRY ABOUT THAT TOO!

But i promise promise PROMISE i'll make it up to you from NOW ON!

So here you are!

Vote and comment if you think Carla is a bitch!

Peace out!


Joel's P.O.V

I walked to the showers in my wet board shorts and my towel hung over my shoulders.

“BAM!” someone screamed and suddenly I was on my back on the floor in the dorm with someone on top of me. I looked up, stunned, to see Sye laying on my chest and smirking. He put a finger to his lips to shush me and got up, holding his hand out for me. Then he pointed to the other doors to the dorm and giggled quietly. I frowned but followed him as he led me to the door and we peered out.

I gasped.

Tyson was standing against a tree with his arms crossed over his chest while Murphy was down on one knee holding a daisy up to him. Tyson was shaking his head looking very distressed, while Murphy was being insistent and looking distraught and close to tears.

“Please...?” Murphy was begging. Tyson continued to shake his head.

“WHY?” Murphy screamed, throwing the flower to the ground and standing angrily.

“You're a whore Murphy, you can't keep it in your pants. I don't want to be with a cheater!” Tyson croaked, his voice breaking.

“I'm sorry Tyson, really I am. I've been trying to make you jealous so you'd notice me. But I found out you liked Riley so I pretended to like him too. Please Tyson, you don't know how happy I was when you kissed me. Don't crush me like this,” Murphy burst into angry tears and began kicking rocks away from his feet. Tears were running down Tyson's cheeks too.

“It was a mistake Murphy, we were drunk,” Tyson tried to say, but it was too clear he was lying and hurting. Tyson covered his hands with his face and cried harder, which made Murphy stop and stare.

“Tyson...” Murphy pleaded softly, as if he had reached a loss. Tyson slowly calmed and removed his hands, his face was bright red.

“I feel like an idiot,” he mumbled, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. Murphy grabbed him and pulled him close.

“You're not, you're perfect,” he said and planted a kiss on his cheek. Tyson blinked and looked up into Murphy's eyes, thinking intently.

“I give in,” he sighed and Murphy smiled, scooped him up so that Tyson was standing on Murphy's shoes and brushed his lips over Tyson's.

“Bout time,” Sye chuckled and pushed both his hands against my chest to move me away from the door frame. I pouted at him and he smirked.

“No way, I'm not letting you perve you pervert,” he said indignantly and shoved me into the wall. The right corner of my mouth curved up into a smirk as Sye pressed himself against me and brushed his lips lightly over mine. I grabbed his hips and pulled him against me, before locking his lips with mine and kissing him back. Sye moaned in his throat before moving his lips to my ear and sighing.

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