Chapter 5

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I groaned.

My hand reached out to grab the phone lying on my bedside table. I pressed the answer button.

“Hello” I said into the receiver, my voice sounding all croaky.

“MAE! DID THEY HATE YOU?” Riley practically shouted into the phone.

“Yeah”I yawned.


God, I needed a new friend.

“Goodbye Ril.” I said, hanging up.




I turned my phone off and tried to get back to sleep. I snuggled under my sheets for another ten minutes before deciding to get up.

With sore sleepy limbs, I dragged myself over to my closet in the corner of the room. I nearly tripped over the pink desk chair sitting in front of it. The chair was supposed to go with my desk on the other side of the room, but my bedroom was always a mess. Nothing was ever in its rightful place. Before opening the closet, I pulled a crumpled towel off the chair and went to have a shower, thinking it would wake me up.

I walked down the stairs, regretting the shower that didn’t help rid my eyes of the sleepiness. I looked down at myself and groaned when I realized I’d put my pajamas back on by accident.

I got to the kitchen, noticing the silence. My parents always had somewhere to go and they usually just left me alone at home. I opened the fridge to find some leftover bacon and eggs. I heated it up and started eating. I ate in silence until heard a banging on the front door. I froze. The loud banging continued. I got up from my seat and slowly walked towards my door, tiptoeing. It can’t be him, it’s too early! I still have time. OH MY GOSH, WHAT DO I DO?

“MAEVE OLIVIA EVANS! OPEN THE DOOR NOW!” I heard Riley shouting behind the door.

I sighed in relief and opened the door. Riley wrapped her arms around me.

“Uh, Riley why are you here?” I said awkwardly, my body still engulfed in her hug.

“Oh, right,” she said, letting go, “Well… You didn’t pick up any of my calls so I decided to come here!”

“You came here because I wouldn’t answer my phone?”

“Yes! To ask you how everything went of course!”

I rolled my eyes and walked back to the kitchen, Riley following close behind me. I sat back down and continued my meal.

“So….”Riley said, breaking the silence.


“How’d it go?” she said slowly.

“Well, the Carter Family consists of 7 CHILDREN,” I emphasized, “And they all bloody hate me.”

Riley looked like she was going to burst out laughing.

“Oh and two of them are 18 and 19. And one’s the same age as me!” I added in.

Riley began to crack up laughing. She went on for about a minute, slamming the table as hard as she could.

“Are you done?” I asked her, annoyed.

“HAHAHAHA…hahah..”She replied, her laughter slowing down.

“Yeah I’m done.”

“Good” I said, rolling my eyes.

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