Chapter VI

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Chapter VI

Peter slams the courtyard door to Asbury Hall open and scans the room for Jacob, eager to avenge his brother. He knows Edmund is following, but ignores him. When he spots Jacob, he strides over to the boy, who is currently stuffing his face with food.

"How dare you?!" He screams. The dining hall becomes silent. "How dare you harm my brother?!"

"What are are you talking about, Pevensie?"

"Don't try to deny it! I saw Edmund's black eye!" Peter bellows.

"I can't say I had the pleasure of giving it to him." Jacob jeers.

"You make me sick, you liar!" Peter yells, aiming a blow at the bully's head.

Jacob is taken aback, but he retaliates. He only manages to give Peter a black eye to match his younger brother's before Peter has Jacob on the ground. He continually strikes the bully. Jacob is barely conscious, but Peter does not relent. His blows only get stronger and stronger. Jacob's face is bloody, and suddenly Peter hears Edmund in the distance. He screams at his brother to stop. He ignores this, until he pictures the terrified look that Lucy would have worn had she been present. He was glad she wasn't. Slowly, Peter drops his fists. 'What am I doing? What have I become?' Peter wonders, horrified. Suddenly, he feels both his arms being pulled behind him, effectively restraining him.

He soon realizes that it's Edmund restraining him.

"What are you doing?" He asks his brother an incredulous tone.

"I-I don't know." Peter admits defeatedly.

"You could have killed him, Peter!" Edmund replies.

"I know." Peter murmurs, still in shock.

"Someone get the nurse." Edmund commands with authority, the same authority Peter once had as High King of Narnia.

"I-I thought I was avenging you." Peter responds, trying not to cry in front of the whole of Asbury Hall. He clenches his blood-covered fists.

"You should have let me handle it on my own! I'm not a baby!" Edmund says.

"Mr. Peter Pevensie!" The voice of the headmaster echos. The school nurse enters right behind him and begins to tending to Jacob.

"Headmaster! I did this." Edmund began. "My brother only tried to break apart the fight. Jacob gave me my black eye, and I gave Peter his when he tried to hold me back." Edmund says, looking at Peter as if to say 'Let me get you out of trouble for once.'

Peter shoots his brother an astonished look.

"Sir, anyone in this hall can tell you I started this fight. I willing accept the consequences of my actions." Peter announces to the headmaster and the gathered students. "Leave it be, Edmund. You can get out of here with a clean record. Everyone saw me start the fight, so don't start lying."

Edmund looks defeated. He feels helpless.

"Mr. Pevensie. Follow me." The headmaster commands of Peter.

He takes one last look at Jacob and one last look at Edmund before complying with the order the headmaster had given him.

"Mr. Pevensie," The headmaster begins, once they've sat down in the headmaster's office.. "Do you realise how much trouble you're in? You attacked a student with no reason. You face possible expulsion." Peter nods, shamefaced.

"I understand, sir, but Jacob attacked my brother today, and it wasn't the first time either."

"Look Mr. Pevensie, your family can barely afford for you and your brother to attend here. Edmund is here on scholarship. Jacob's grandparents fund half the school. You need to worry about your own punishment." The headmaster cuts in.

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