A Day Without Their Miraculouses Pt. 1

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Summary: Can Paris' beloved heroes save the day in their civilian form? In this story, Chat Noir and Ladybug have already met Master Fu.


"Tikki!" She watched her beloved kwami collapse onto her most recent sketch. Marinette scooped up Tikki and raised her close to her face. "Are you okay?" Her voice was lined with worry and nervousness for her friend. Tikki barely managed to open her eyes and muttered: "Master...Fu," before losing consciousness. Marinette spilled out the contents of her purse, making more room for her kwami. Why is she out of energy? She just ate! She delicately placed Tikki inside her purse, putting her wallet, keys, and phone in her pockets. She bolted out of the building, almost tackling her parents. She yelled back saying she was late for a meeting with Alya. The bell above the bakery door chimed as Marinette shoved the door open


Marinette knocked on the door once, then twice. No response. As she was about to knock for the third time, the door slowly crept open. There stood an old man, about a foot shorter than Marinette, dressed in a red and white Hawaiian button-up. He greeted her kindly and invited her in. She opened her purse and held Tikki in her hands.

"Master Fu you have to help me. Tikki-"

"Caught a cold," said Master Fu. "She will have to stay with me for twenty-four hours and you can keep your miraculous here for safe keeping." She looked down at her kwami and contemplated handing Tikki over. Her health was important but, after creating a close bond with her kwami over the past year, she couldn't bare leaving her.

"What if there's an akuma?"

"Do what you usually do but, capture the akuma in a jar. When you come back tomorrow, Tikki should be well enough for you to transform and cleanse the butterfly of evil."

"How can I fight against an akuma without my yo-yo? What if I get hurt? I can't fix everything. What if-?"

"You are Ladybug with and without the suit. You can fix everything the next day." Marinette knew that protesting will not work and handed her over along with her earrings. Tikki needed to be healed and there might not even be an akuma. She could manage for one day. Right?

"Ok," she said with a long exasperated sigh. She bid him goodbye and left, wondering how she will get through the day without Tikki.

Master Fu turned around and saw his kwami in front of him, inches away from his face.

"Master, what are we going to do? First Plagg and now Tikki?"

"Do not fret Wayzz. Marinette and Adrien are perfectly capable of handling an akuma on their own."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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