Chapter 1: Hades

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Hades POV

        I walk down this creepy path, but I'm used to the creepiness. I hear a voice, Satan.

       "Look at this beautiful scenery, look! Your next mission! Go on through that portal! Have fun, remember i'm always here if you need help." He says.

        "I know i can always trust you Lucifer, you're like my best friend....... my only friend". I say to him. He tells me that I will get more friends soon. As I walk up to the portal, I smell something, angels... I turn around to see i'm surrounded by about 12 angels. I pull out my katanas and I run toward them. I slash one of my katanas through the closets one's neck. It disintegrates into dust. The same fate awaits the rest. Once the rest are taken care of I put my katanas back and walk into the portal.
When I re emerge from the other side I see my house.
         "Why did you take me here!?" I ask Lucifer.  

         "Oh, I wanted you to take a break! Have fun, oh and nice job taking those Angels out! Well have a nice night see ya tomorrow!" I look at the sky with a smirk and nod my head, I think silly Lucifer. I toss my bag onto my couch and retrieve a glass jar from it. The jar has a pulsing light inside. The pulsing aligns with the beating of my heart. I set it in its normal spot... on my table. After I pull out a muffin and set up my computer. The screen comes to life. I enter the password and pull up a google search page. I'm not really looking for anything in particular. Just something to take my mind off the day. I end up on a page about katanas. Tired, I shut off my laptop.

          So since you came in late let me fill ya in a little. My name is Hades and i'm a reaper, I hunt Angels for a living. Part of Lucifer resides in my mind, I guess you could say he's a part of me, as you can tell by him being able to talk to me. I'm a level 150 Reaper (we're judged by levels. levels start at 0 and go to 666 which is about Satan's level. I'm the highest leveled reaper.) I actually trained with Satan. I am the first Reaper. A Reaper's world is tinted red. I have long brown hair with red streaks. I wear boyish clothing and I barely have curves. I think Lucifer made me that way so I could be more like him. I carry around a pair of katanas and dual pistols. Anyway enough about me. It's time for me to get some sleep.

          I get ready for bed. I get into my pajama pants and then turn off all of the lights. After getting in bed I say goodnight to Lucifer and of course he says goodnight back. I fall into a deep sleep of nothingness.

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