Loss of Ideas

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You want to write a fanfiction or your own original story. But you either don't get a lot of ideas 24-7, or you're in this blank slate condition. Whatever it is, maybe the tips below will help you.

>>Watch movies, shows, or videos. Reading may help as well. Don't stick to what you're used to. Expand your horizons. Never watched anime? Give it a shot. Never watched a reality show? Try it out. How about horror? You know what to do. Who knows? Maybe your inspiration lies in these. I'm not telling you to plagiarize the fandom, but it may give you ideas that may not even be related to what you're watching or reading. It has happened to me. It may happen to you.
>>Talk to people who has experience. My good friend, GAquaC, has ideas 24-7. Fanfictions, originals, you name it. He's my best friend, and maybe listening to someone else's idea will give you strength or creativity. Or don't listen to ideas at all. Just talk to them, listen to their advice. I talk to Aqua everyday and he gives me inspiration just by talking!
>>Be alone sometimes. Get a pair of headphones, an mp3 player or phone, and listen to music. Songs give you strength, and they probably even feed creation to you. I have a condition called synesthesia. It allows me to see colors when music is played, or when I hear someone else's voice. Every song is a different color, as with a voice.
>>Draw. If you're not a good artist, it doesn't matter. Make up a person in your head. Not an OC you've had for a while. Someone new. Male or female? Hair color? Eyes? Attire? You may be a bad artist, but look down at what you made when you're done. Like what you see? Make up a backstory for this character and see if it evolves in some kind of tale.

Thanks for reading, and I hope these help!

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