Pain inside

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Quiet are the streets of the town. Not a soul about. The buildings, broken and rotting away as the fog rolls inland. Weeds have overtaken this land and not since the earlier years of civilization has this vibrant place been habitable. It all began in the summer of 2005.

Young Thomas Free was enjoying his chocolate ice cream on the front porch of his mothers home in the town of Burned Lake, Illinois. It was a small town just north of Waukegan on the coast of Lake Michigan. Only one road in and the same one out, should anything happen to cause a blockade, the road made for a disastrous trouble.

Thomas's mother, Shania, was going through a rough patch. She had recently divorced her husband of 18 years with the last 16 being his fatherhood to Thomas. His father Daniel had been fighting with his mother about the custody and the fact that the constant alcohol abuse and physical abuse at home was becoming a rather large issue. Since their divorce, Thomas has been more of a silent boy. The only thoughts in his head were about how life could've been had his father not done half of the things he had done. His older sister Lauren was like his best friend but even she couldn't get Thomas to say anything to her.

A few days later on July 20th, Thomas had his birthday. His one wish was to go to the beach and use a paddle boat for the day to see how far off shore they could go. But that day, it was a day filled with rain.

As the rain continued, so did the terrible events that unfolded inside the house. Thomas had been helping his mom and sister clean up the basement when Thomas started to get a headache. The pain was unbearable and soon he started screaming. His mom and his sister had no idea what was happening to him. They helped him to his room and when his mom left the room, Lauren decided to stay to keep him company.

She sat down in the chair next to his bed and dozed off. She woke to a numbing pain in her hand. The pain had been from Thomas holding the hand with a tight grip. She tried to get him to let it go but he only laughed. She became frightened by her brother who had this dark aura around him. She finally freed herself from Thomas, but when she attempted to open the door, it wouldn't budge.

"Foolish sister," Thomas had said, "You can't escape the fate I have in store for you."

"Thomas, snap out of it. You don't feel well. Mom's talking to the doctor to see if he can come check you out."

"No doctor is necessary sister. It's all going exactly as I hoped."

He then reached out to his sister with a long black tentacle like arm and snatched her ankle tripping her. She sprawled onto the floor and began slowly crawling towards the door but was also being dragged back into the maw of her younger brother. Thomas had made her a mindless zombie of sorts. While still under his control she could roam free as if nothing happened but over time become a hideous monster like her brother. A fiendish spider like tentacle creature.

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