Mr Player, Please Meet Selena

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Prologue (Third person)

Both Maroon and Harrison High are having big finical trouble. They are struggling to pay teaches and keep supplies up. So what do they do? They Join Schools. Everything will go great, Well let’s hope so...

Chapter 1(Billy’s P.O.V)

“We are having some finical troubles at the moment and the board has decided that we will be joining schools with Harrison High till further notice. If you have any arguments please go to the office in lunch break.” The principal screamed into the mic.  

This brings an uproar of arguments from students who look like they’re about to pop a vein and I probably look like one of them right now but I keep my opinion to myself for now at least…

“Everybody go to class, otherwise you will be doing cleaning duty for a week!!!!!” the principal says pissed that no one listened to him about going to the office but he should of know by now that wee never ever listen to him.

After about five more minutes of them starting to cool down, they start exiting the gym but still mumbling shit about how this will suck.

I guess I’m not the only one who is thinking joining two schools together would bring War???  Sure, there are advantages like girls but one thing you should know about me is that I’m a player and I absolutely hate when they get clingy.

My Name is Billy Kent and this is how I met Selena.

I have dirty blonde hair that reaches to just before my eyes and lightly flicks out on my neck.  I'm hot and I’m not afraid to admit it.  How do I know this, girls drool over me or they just scream out 'you’re so hot' or 'I Love You Billy' but I could have just looked in the mirror to know that. I'm the quarter back of the football team so I am in the popular crowd but my best mates: Zach, Tyler, Brent, Will and I always like to sit with only the football team.  Why you ask? We don’t want wannabes coming to us and thinking that because they have talked to us once that they are popular.  It’s too bad they found that out to late because well let’s say that they are now on the bottom of the social ladder.

We make our way to the lunch table which is always called ours.

"Dude, can't you just imagine all the new girls" Zach States.

"Yeah, we get more cheerleaders wearing short skirts" Brent says over the moon about that one fact.

"Oh, I need a few minutes alone" added Tyler.

We all turn to look at him with our eyebrows raised at how easy it is for him to be turned on.

“You guys keep forgetting that we have to share everything with them!!! The popularity, Girls and just everything” I speak annoyed

"Jees whats up your butt" Will says while he shoves me lightly.

"Nothing I just haven’t been with a girl in a while it’s starting to piss me off, I Have stuff to do if you get me" I wink and smirk.

They all start chuckling causing all the girls to start day dreaming that they could be the ones who us guys fall hopelessly in love with.

I roll my eyes at this. Some girls are so stupid can't they see we just want to use them but some don't mind like Carrie, Tegan and Miley.  They all have bleached blonde hair and blue eyes but I think Carrie wear contacts. Don't know why, don’t care. They all were too much make up making them all look fake just like their boobs. I walk up to them feeling eyes looking over my way.

"Hey Girls, I have some free time anyone want to spend it with me" I say

“I guess but I can’t be late home cause my parents going to take away my car if I am super late home again" Tegan says trying to look cute except she looks like a rat dying.

I walk off know she will follow me before she starts going on about her problems. I mean does it look like a care.

And there I am walking to the janitors closest with her following me like a little puppy.

*2 minutes later*

She moaning in my ear and it sounds like she is a mixture of about five animals. She starts to moan really loudly that I am sure that my friends heard it and then the ‘workout was over’. While she is still recovering, I am pulling my jeans up so I don't have to hear all 'you were so good', ' we would be perfect for each other' like all the other people had said when I had sex with them or even if it was just making out.

I get out of their as fast as possible. Trying to avoid all the girls is really hard and annoying when I want one I will come to you not the other way. I get in my car and speed to my house.  It pretty big but I never bring a girl back there because I at least have respect for my parents.

I park the car and walked to the front door slamming it when I get fully inside.  I try to avoid Mum and Dad because I’m really not in the mood to hear them tell me that what I’m doing to girls is wrong even though Dad used to be player probably bigger than me.  I get up to my room without them hearing or seeing me.  It just makes me want to scream at how oblivious they are sometimes.

The first thing I do is check facebook to see my messages, notification and friend request knowing there will be lots.  Fuck, all together over one hundred of those. All the friend request are form the Harrison high students but I will only answer the when I know the social status.

As you guess I’m that bored that I’m looking through their profiles, what it’s not like you haven’t don’t it.  Only then do I realise that most of them are mentioning this, Selena Evans.  What’s so special about her? Is she a slut? A bitch? A nerd? Well even if she is one of them she won’t have any status here even though at her old school she was the ‘Main Topic’ because my friends and I are always the main topic.  There is much I can do except wait to see her tomorrow to find out what’s so great about this wonderful Selena.

And that’s how I fell asleep with the name Selena in my head not knowing it was going to be in their a lot.

Getting up in the morning is such a drag if you’re a teenager you would know how I feel. What person in their right mind would think it is a good idea to be at school at 8:30 in the fucking morning! A teacher that’s who. They must have no life at all and that torturing students is the funniest thing in their boring life. After finally getting up cause I actually want to drive my black sleek Porsche to school.  I dress in a white v-neck shirt and blue jeans that hang low on my hips.  What? I want to make a good impression for everyone especially if there is some hot girls coming.

I skip breakfast cause I don’t feel hungry at the moment, I’ll just have a big lunch instead.  While driving to school I think about today is the day that all the Harrison high people come. SUPER!!! Then I remember the name Selena Evans.  I wonder why they all keep talking about her. The only reason I can think of at the moment is she is either super hot or the biggest nerd who everyone picks on.

I am pulling up to school only to find the parking lot almost full but my normal parking spot is free. I think at least everybody remembers that this was my spot and if they ever did anything against me… well let’s just say I will be having a violent conversation will you.

Getting out of the car I’m greeted by Zach, Tyler, Brent and Will.  Zach and I do the man hug while the others are just watching other people.

“Have you heard the name Selena Evans?” I ask.

Immediately that gets Tyler, Brent and Wills attention. “Oh I’ve heard of her. Apparently she is like a cheerleader, a super hot one at that and is liked by everyone except the easy ones. I wonder which one she is.”

 Come on, Selena Evans show your face!!!

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