chapter 2

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The next day at school, the popular kids come up and ask me if that was my brother. I say yes. At lunch, I go and sit outside. There is this one girl sitting by her self off to the side. I go over there and introduce my self to her. She says her name is Emily. She asks me if the horse I rode home was mine. I tell her that it was my dads. I ask her if she wants to come home after school and she says yes! She says that she rides and her dad owns widow fields. I call Patrick and tell him to bring both Blackberry and Stargazer.


After school, there is once again a big crowd around Patrick, when we get there, I help Emily on to Blackberry and head towards Stargazer. A guy that is in my ap class walks up and tries to talk to me. I tell him to bug off. He then goes and tells Emily that she needs to be home for the nightly chores. After we have taken off, I ask Emily who that was and she says her dick brother. We hang out at home for a while and then it starts to get dark.


As we near Emilys house, I hear dogs barking. When we get there, her dad comes out and tells her to go put the horse away and start chores. She tells him that this isn't there horse, but her new friends Isabells horse. He says okay, so I figure I better head out of there before things get bad.


The next day I go to find Emily before school, only to see that she has big bruises all over her face. I ask her what happened and she said..............

Cliffhanger!! What do you think happened? And does Emily trust her?

Spoilers:what happened to Emily/more on the accident

Update: within the next week

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