"I should have looked." - Add's POV

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There had been something that was bothering you. Every time you stop moving, it bothers you again. You didn't know why it keeps telling you to look back, but you still chose to ignore it. You needed to focus on the armor in front of you. You were almost there, almost done with what you have been developing day after day. But sometimes you thought, what was that thing that was behind? Why did it want you to turn back that much?

"Tch, it's hurt again."
"Add, let me treat your wounds!"
"I'm fine."


You kept on working. Even though you thought you were almost finish, the result was still far from your expectation. So you started again, but somehow, you couldn't focus. It bothered you again, yelling in your head to look back for just a second. It begged you to stop working, it pleaded you to take at least a glance. You even felt your heart ache like something was cutting it into pieces. You slammed your hand down, breathing hard and trying to calm down, but you couldn't. Something was hurting you so badly. "Almost there. Focus!"

"Add, I love you."
"Elesis, I don't have time to pl-"


Your hands were trembling but you still working. You promised yourself you would look back, until the piece of trunk in front of you turn to something useful. You had to restart five times already just because you couldn't get a hold of yourself. It was hurting so badly that every part of your body wanted you to stop. But you didn't, you forced yourself to continue, you had promised that you would look back when everything was finished. Just a little more and you would be done, can that thing wait just a little more?

"I really do. I don't need your answer, but I want you to acknowledge my feeling."
"Elesis... I... I... don't need it."


You were still working, but the thing in front of you was still the same. You hadn't been making any progress at all, you even lost count of how many times you had to stop to calm the urge of looking back. It made you angry, it stopped you, it was the thing that prevent you from looking back. If it wasn't there, you would have finished and replied to its wish. However, thanked to your stubbornness, you still got going with your work hoping that you could finish and look back.

"You really hate me that much, Add?"


You felt uneasy with what was behind you. It was liked you were just about to lose something if you were still stubborn. But no! You were almost there, you can't look back because just a bit more, you could look back as much as you like. Then what with the feelings? You felt like you needed to look back, it was more than just the urge. It was now like a need to look back, you had to and you must. Should you really do it? Should you really listen to what was unreal? Will a glance be okay? It won't hurt that much if it is just a glance right? "NO!" You yelled. You can't give yourself away like that. Just a little bit more.

"Elesis, will you go out with me?"
"Are you sure? I would burn you to ash."
"Haha, I won't mind if it was you."
"Heh... then sure. Hope to burn you someday."
"You are sure funny Elesis."


You could sense it, what you have been looking for is near! Just a little more. "Why is it hurting so badly now?! Argh! Almost there!"

"Elesis, as a demon, I don't have the right to ask this, but will you agree to marry me and keep my human part alive forever?"



You finally finished. But why didn't you feel happy? And why is your heart hurting and trobbing this badly? What had you missed? What has been cutting you? And what had been behind you all the time? You should look back. Yes, you really should because that might give you the answer. But wouldn't it bring you more pains since it the reason behind everything from the start? You look at your effort, then your sweaty palms. Why are you doubting right now? You left hand curls up into a fist, you right hand stays still on the table and you look back.



Now, realization hits you hard on the face.
You scream.
You cry.
You blame yourself.
If only you agreed to turn back sooner.
If only you weren't that stubborn.
If only... you knew about her and the wall behind you.
But it's too late now. She has gone away from that side. She has gone away from the one who had broken her heart a thousand time.

"I should have looked back."

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