"In the end, she is still yours." - Ciel's POV

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You open your eye, look around trying to find that one person who longs for something on the other side of the wall. It was weird to you at first knowing about the wall and your ability, but at least nothing had happened so far, not anything to your knowledge. You were just that one person who could walk through those glass walls, and you were just that one person who has helped others walking through it.


You still remember that first time when you tried to help the elders reach to each other. It was a painful sight to watch because the wall between them was not thick at all, but they still couldn't break it. You watched them. You watched the woman cry, hurting because of the man on the other side was broken because of his fiancé's death. You watched the man. You watched him try to break the wall, but was impossible because of his past memories. You kept seeing tears from both of them. You saw him make a scratch on the wall, you saw him grit his teeth, and you saw a faint soul hug him. You saw her stick to the the wall, you saw her shed the tears along with the man, you saw her heart slowly shatter into pieces. You saw the despair in both of the humans' souls. But you still needed an encouragement to take action so a voice help you out. You heard it say, "Connect the string, they are meant to be together." So you moved, took the woman's hand and led her through the wall, because you are the only one who can do it.

"Thanks Ciel, you helped us a lot."
"Welcome, stay together. I'll support you two along with the gang."


The result was satisfied for you three, so you started to have some confidence. Then you moved on to the next wall, seeing some weird stuffs happen. You appeared on the boy's side, feeling the hot temperature rise after every hour. You looked through the wall, seeing an ice cave cover the girl's surrounding. It took you a while to get what exactly was happening, but when you caught their eyes, you knew exactly what was the problem. You saw her figure flash in his eyes, you saw her beauty stay in his head, and you saw his love is trying to get through the wall. You saw the same thing on the other side, but her acceptance was what missing.Their red string was there, they were meant to be together, but they just didn't accept that fact. You walked away from the boy, through the wall and reached to the girl. Ahh it was cold, so cold that your fingers were soon turned blue by sudden drop of temperature. You reached to the girl, hugged her and whispered some comforting words, telling her it's okay to love no matter who the other person is. And the you just lured the little girl to the other side.

"Well Aisha, I do not know why you came to me but I'm just gonna say, you need to accept your feelings. Everything is going to be just okay."
"I finally understand why Rena and Raven told me to ask you. Thanks Ciel."
"Glad to help. The gang will support you two so hope to see some blooming flowers~"


Now, it's your problem. You opened your eyes just to hear a loud cry but to see nothing. You wonder how much pain is that person holding to cry out this loud. The voice echoes from distance, and the figure is nowhere to be found. This person must has been really hurt, so you run. You don't care where are you running but you just run. You need to run before that frail heart breaks into pieces, or worst. You need to find that person. You need to see that person. You need to help that person walk through the wall before it's too late.

But... what is this? You have reached to the end of the loud cry, and that person is fascinating you with her beauty. You stand there and stare, you choose to have a distance so that person will not notice you. What should you do? You have a feeling this is your woman. You have a feeling that you should keep her for yourself. You have a feeling that you should steal her from the bastard on the side who made her cry. But if she is here, aren't you supposed to connect the string? Aren't you supposed to lead her through the wall? Aren't you supposed to support the two?

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