Chapter Two: Demon's Scratch

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I collapsed onto the bed of my hotel room, the bags tumbling off of my arms, the bed and onto the ground as I stretched - I never was the shopper type, but this will probably be the only time I'll be in America and I am defiantly not passing that opportunity up.

And I needed something to get my mind off of the fact that I'm going to get embarrassed nation wide because of the attack of the ghost - or what ever you want to call it - in the prison.

Shivering at the memory I went into my bathroom and showered, ignoring the bruises all over my arms, legs, stomach - basically everywhere on my skin, with the exception of my face.

I pulled on some skinny jeans and a large shirt before I started to stuff the rest of my clothes into my suit case, but that's when I felt the stinging sensation the back of my neck. Frowning I put my hand on the back of my neck, causing me to wince, "Ow"

Standing up I pulled my phone out and pulled my hair away from the back of my neck and took a picture over my shoulder before I turned and viewed the image - "What the fuck..." 

Quickly I opened the Internet on my phone and type in 'three scratches'. No, what the fuck - this is - I - WHAT THE FUCK.

I slammed my hotel door shut and started my way to where I had seen the there ass holes were staying, since I saw them walk in there this morning after I hid behind a maid. My fist pounds against the wood and quickly the door opens and I push my way past Will and stood in the middle of the room.

"What the... Nikki?" Cam stares at me from behind a computer.

Luke groans and rolled over in his bed and I glared at them all, "You all better have some fucking scientific explanations here or I am going to bury you six feet under"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talk about the fact I have a scratch at the back of my neck - and when I googled it, I found out a demon could have fucking clawed at me" I turned and pulled my hair away from my neck and I felt someone breathe down my neck.


I turned and stared at Will, "Dayum, that's all you can say?! I get sexual harassed with that ass pinch, I get locked inside of a cell by something trying to kill me - and then two days later I find three scratches on my neck?! AND YOU SAY DAYUM?!" I yelled in his face and he rolled his eyes.

He walks away from me, bends down and opens the draw of the bedside table and pulled something out before he holds it out for me, "What...?"

"It's a cross, blessed by numerous priests, it should keep you safe from the demon if it's attached itself to you"

"Oh great, not only did I get attack and scratched, I now have a possible stalker" Cam chuckles and Luke sits up before he stares at me.

"Did you agree to Cam's proposition?" he asks in shock and I raised an eye brow at him.

"Uh... no...?"


I stood there for a moment before I took the necklace from Will and put it around my neck before I tucked it under my shirt, "So all I need to do is wear it?"


"Thanks... I'm... going to... go..." I stared at Luke as he stared at me - which kinda creeped me out and I walked out of the room and all the way to my own and walked into my room.

Breathing a sigh of relief I laid on my bed and stared up at the roof, wait... what am I reliever abotu? I hadn't believe in spirits or demons before... I guess being tossed around by an invisibly force has made me a believer, eh?

At The Airport:

I sat on my suit case as I waited the line for check-in to move, "NIKKI!"

Looking up from my phone in confusion I see Luke, Will and Cam running towards me.

Someone screams their names and suddenly their surrounded my girls... okay then... I turned my attention back to my phone and continued to Tweet people.

"Nikki, we need to talk to you"

Looking up I see Cam, Will and Luke staring at me with scared expressions on their faces, "I need to check-in-"

"Just watch this" Cam shoves his phone into my hands and I tapped the screen, and I saw myself instantly on the screen. My lips moved but no sound came out because the sound was off, but then I saw something.

"What the..." I played the last ten seconds of me in the bathroom back and I saw something that looked like white mist behind me, and then disappeared.

"And?" I handed his phone back as they stared at me in awe.

"We want you" Luke blurted out before he turned crimson and then looked at his feet.

"You what now?"

"Listen, we have spent three years doing this show, and you raked up experience to our three years in twenty minutes"

"You're point is exactly...?" I asked Will in confusion.

"You're taking this pretty well" Cam says randomly.

"That's because I took some medication for the fact I had a panic attack when someone tapped my shoulder last night outside of my hotel room"

"Thought it was a ghost?"

"Nope, I thought it was you" I shivered and Will scowled at me.

"Ha-ha, now do you want to discuss working with us or are you going to go home?"


"Before you decide, we get to travel all over the world and get paid for it" I gave him a Cam a raised eye brow, "And, you can be on the telly"

"To be honest... you had me at travelling the world"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2014 ⏰

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