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Chapter 2

Casey's POV

I couldn't believe my ears. It seemed possible and stuff but I didn't want to believe it.

"Hahaha very funny guys,yeah were totally in the Breaking Dawn world!"Jamie exclaims sarcastically and Myanna shoots him a glare.

"Were not kidding we have proof?!" Kellan booms almost like his character Emmett.

"Show us then."Jamie replies back.

"We found the Cullen's an I mean the real ones. They live not to far from here." Elizabeth says.

My eyes go wide with the others.

"But if we show you they must not see us. They know nothing of us as well. Also the others are here like Micheal,Dainel,Dakota,Cameron, Chrostorphor,and Charlie are here but there upstairs." Ashley chimed in.

"How about all of you go upstairs and pick out rooms there is actually enough for everyone and more of us. For all we know there could be more coming? And actually your name is engraved on your rooms sore weirdly. We will see the Cullen's tomorrow instead now upstairs." Elizabeth said in a mother let way.

We all stood and started to go up the flight of wooden stairs just like in the Cullen house just darker wood.

I walked down the halls looking on the doors. I then came to a room that had 'Casey' written on it in cursive. The only thing that was going to be weird was that Lee's room is right across from mine.

I reached for the silver door knob and twisted it and pushed in. I took a step inside and close the door.

I raised an eyebrow looking at the room. It was totally me weirdly.

The walls were a soft cream color with a couch sitting place in the window pane. A white blanket covered it with black and creamed color pillows arranged on it. The bed had a black comforter with the same cream and black colored pillows. On one side of the wall was a desk that was dark brown wood,with a computer and iPhone on top of it. Te other side had a huge stereo with dozens of CD's. Right across from the bed was a flat screen TV with the same dark brown wood table under it that had movies,cable,and movie player. The last thing in the room in the dark corner was a small couch with a shelve full of books.

I walked over to the bathroom which had the same colors. A bath and shower and had soap an other things in the cabinets with the one sink. The tile was cream and the walls were as well.

I walked out again and went over to the closet. I gasped stepping into the walk in wardrobe. It was filled with clothes,shoes,purses,hates,and jewelry. All the clothes were my size and the shoes as well and all of it was totally me as well.

I grinned slightly and decided to change. I stripped of my clothes and went ahead and showered. Then dressed in some skinny jeans,then a black shirt that the sleeves went to my elbows. I dried my hair and braided it to the side and walked out after putting on makeup.

I walked out of the room the same time Lee did and just kept walking not looking at him. I then went downstairs and sat down on the black couch.

"Everyone come downstairs please!"Peter yelled.

Everyone then came down in a rush. We all stood/sat and waited for him to tell is why he wanted to.

"Okay so tomorrow some of you will be going to school."he said calmly.

"What?!"some of them including me exclaimed.

"Yes okay. Now Ashley,Nikki,Kristen,Casey,Maggie,Mia,and Myanna all will be going to high school as seniors. Then Rob,Kellan,Jackson,Lee,Christain,and Jamie y'all will be going to high school as seniors as well. Then Dakota,Cameron,Taylor,Booboo, Julia,and Charlie will be going as soft mores. Mackenzie will be going to the sixth grade middle school,Billy can go to the third grade here at the elementary school,Arizona,Nicolette,And Nick can ether go to the daycare center or the others can stay and watch them?"Elizabeth explained.

I groaned and slumped back into the couch.

"What are y'all going to do?"Dakota asked annoyed.

"The rest of us ether will stay here and take care of the house or find some his at least." Elizabeth said.

"Wait won't the Cullen's be there?!"Julia exclaimed

"Well yes but we thought it would be easier this way for y'all to see them instead of us getting caught trying to go over to there place to spy on them?"Peter commented mockingly.

"Fine."we all drowned together.

"Good now dinner will be ready soon so go off do whatever I don't care."Elizabeth said lazily.

I just got up and went back to my room. Soon done was ready and we all went down an age and chatted. After I went back upstairs and changed.

I laid in bed trying to sleep but all I could think about was what will happen tomorrow and Lee. I ended up crying myself silently to sleep.

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