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Chapter 5

Casey's POV

They came threw the doors in the order just like every movie just this time Bella strutted by Edward her skin pale and amber eyes. Though this time as well Renesmee and Jacob came in side by side, Renesmee looking the age of 18. All of us looked down to our food and some talking on trying to act as normal as possible. So I just sat there eating my food in silence.

"Casey slow down your going to choke." Mia said from beside me giggling.

"Yes mother."  I say rolling my eyes.

We al wen tback to our normal conversations yet we could all feel the laser like eyes of the Cullen's on us.

Edward's POV

I stared at the new kids in surprise and horror as they all looked exatly alike as others in my family. I stared at my copy though his eyes were green with a bit of gold in the, Bella's look alike clung to him as he had an arm slumped over her shoudler.

"Robert can you pass me a thermos?" she asked sweetly with big blue eyes.

He leaned over somewhere and grabbed a thermos and handed it to her.

"There babe." Robert who I figured his name out said to her.

She opened it and the smell hit all of our nose, and we froze at the sweet smell of blood. They drank blood!

"They drink blood, and they look just like all ofus execpt for the eyes. Who are they?" Rosalie asked annoyed as she slightly stared back at her look alike.

"I don't know but if you have the smae classes  with some of them then try and find out as much as you can." I told everyone and they nodded.

*I can't believe my look alike is with stupid Demetri's look alike!!!* I heard Alice shout and her head and I snickered but she just glared at me.

Lee's POV

I had Math next and I ran off to my class after lunch was done, and Mia would have the same class with me.

We sat down at a table together in the very back, then walked in Edward Cullen who sat in the table next to us.

Edward's POV

I sat down at a table next to Carmen, and Garrett's look alikes. The teacher walked in and saw they were new students.

"Class it seems as if we have some new students in our class, Mr.Pace and Mrs.Mastero would you please introduce yourselves to the class?" the teacher asked and they got up and went to the front of the classroom standing there.

"My name is Mia and this is my cousin Lee and we moved here to Forks with other members from our family who also go here." Carmen's look alike said who now I know as Mia.

Casey's POV

Finally it was the end of the day and I skipped off to my next class Music. Something I finally enjoyed. I had it with Maggie, and Myanna. We sat down together in the back row of the class and saw Alice, and Renesmee Cullen walk in and sit down near us.

"Ladies will you please introduce yourselfs to the class please." the teacher said and we went to the front of the class.

"My name is Casey and these are my sisters. Maggie, and Myanna." I said pointing them out as I said there names.

"Do any of you ahve any musical talent?" the teacher asks.

"Casey sings, and plays piano and guitar." Maggie said and glared at her.

"Would you mind playing and singing something for us Casey." the teacher asked.

"Not at all." i said knowing I couldn't get out of it.

I sat down at the grand piano in the room and started to play. I started to sing Titanium a song I had wrote.

{ This is just for the book the song goes to the original owner.}


I finished the song and the class clapped along with the teacher.

"My my Mrs. LaBow that was wonderful did you write that song yourself?" she asked and I nodded.

"Well its nice to have a very talented musican like you and the class please take your seat." the teacher said kindly.

---Skip Time---

"Casey that was awsome! I new you could sing but not like that." Myanna said and I looked down blushing.

We all hoped back in our cars and started ther way home.

Alice's POV

Me and my family met outside and drove home.

"Are we going to tell grandma and grandpa about this?" Nessie asked.

"Yes Nessie they don't seem normal to me I couldn't read any of ther minds." Edward told his daughter.

We got home and went inside finding Emse, and Carlisle and the living room. We sat them down and told them eveything.

"So did any of you get their names or where they might live?" Edward asked.

"All I found out is that Garrett and Carmen's look alikes names were Lee Pace and Mia Mastero and that they were cousins." he said again.

"Me and Ness have music together with Kate, Irina, and Tanya,s look alikes who were Casey Labow, Maggie, and Myanna." I said and Nessie nodded in agreement.

"I think we should call the Denalis and have them come down here." Edward said.

"Good idea son I'll go call them right now." Carlisle says gou=ing off tto the phone.

He came back a few minutes later sitting down again.

"They said they be here by tomorrow." he told us and we all nodded and went carrying on with our conversation about the strange look alikes.

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