Jamaica Jamaica pt 2

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Fifteen minutes later....
Your POV
"Y/n wake up we're here!!" I felt two hands shaking me nonstop. "Mmmh" I said without waking up. "Y/n get ur ass up now or you're not going to see the baby lions" Justin says. I jumped up and looked around screaming with joy "Where are they?" All I seen was Justin, Ariana, and Ryan laughing at me. "Hey that was so no funny Justin. I really wanted to see them" I say as I turn my head towards a fancy beach house. (The picture of the beach house is at the beginning of this chapter).
Ariana's POV
We all look at y/n's face and see what she's staring at. "Woah, this is so awesome" I say getting out the car with y/n. "No kidding" she says. Me and y/n walk to the house and stop in front of it. We look behind to see that Paul, Justin and Ryan was struggling once again with our luggage. "You guys can go inside and explore while we bring the luggage in," Justin says. He didn't have to tell us twice. Me and y/n ran inside and stared at all of the furniture and chandeliers. "Race you upstairs to pick out the bedrooms"y/n says. She begin to run up the stairs with me right behind her. She got there first and we begin to open up the room doors. One of the rooms were a full of games and the other two were bedrooms. "I got this one"y/n says picking the biggest room with a bathroom that had a spa type of thing going on. "This room is amazing" we both say simultaneously.
Meanwhile .....
Justin's POV
All three of us take in the last set of luggages in the beach house. Ring ring ring. I took out my phone to see the caller I. D. "Carly."

Justin: Hey Carly how you been?
Carly: Good. I heard you're in Jamaica and so am I.
Justin: Really, what u doing out here?
Carly: On vacation. U doing the same?
Justin: Yup out here with my girl, Ryan, his girl and Paul.
Carly: Oh, well I called to let u know that there's this party at my beach house at 9:00, you guys interested?
Justin: Hell yeah.
Carly: Alright see u guys later
End of conversation
"Yo Ryan, Carly invited us to her party later, you down?" " Do u really have to ask, you know I'm always down to party." I laugh as Ryan starts to dance crazy. I wonder where the girls are.

Your POV
"So do u really like Ryan?" "Of course I do. He's really funny and has a great personality." "Awwww" I say cooing at Ariana. I see her cheeks get really red and laugh at her. "So do u really love Justin." "Of course I do, I love everything about him." I hear Ariana coo at my words and all of a sudden I hear his gentle voice. "Who do u love?" I hear him say. "I said I love u." He walks up to me and picks me up. I hold onto his neck and he leans in to kiss me. "I. Love. You. Too." He says between the kisses. All I hear is Ariana saying Awww and me and Justin begin to laugh. "I came up here so I can tell u guys that we're going to Carly Rae Jepsen's house because she's throwing a party at 9:00." He says putting me down. I look at my watch and see that it's 6:00. "And you're telling us this now"I say. "Y/n we have to go shopping."Ariana says getting up. "With all of those suitcases and clothes yah have, both of you are going shopping?"Justin says with wide eyes. "Yeah,"Ariana and I says at the same time.
   2 hours later....
"Ariana come on, you've been trying on outfits for two hours. I already paid for my outfit." "Hold your horses I'm getting dressed now." She finally came out of the dressing room and we started walking towards the line. "Ariana move up, you're next"I say pushing her.
Justin's POV
    "What the hell is taking them so long to get an outfit?" "Justin you know how girls are, they take forever." When I tried calling y/n's phone, both her and Ariana came in. "Sorry we're late but someone took forever"I say gesturing to Ariana. "Well can u guys get ready, we have an hour till it starts." "Yes sir, yes sir!!"Ariana says laughing.
    1 hour later.....
   "Y/n and Ariana, can yah get a move on? The party already started."I yell from downstairs with Ryan sitting on the couch falling asleep.

Your POV
"Oh please Justin, we didn't miss anything yet it just started and plus me and Ariana are almost done"I yell at Justin from upstairs. Damn I look hot.
I was wearing a black and white animal print dress, white and black adidas, with my hair in a bun and braid, Justin's ring he gave me, a "baby girl" necklace, and an animal print bracelet.
(Your outfit below)

And Ariana was wearing an orange and black dress with black flats and hoop earrings with a cross necklace

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And Ariana was wearing an orange and black dress with black flats and hoop earrings with a cross necklace. "Alright Justin we're ready"I say yelling from upstairs.
Me and Ariana interlocked our arms and walked down the steps together. At the end of the steps, Justin and Ryan looked at us with wide eyes and looked at us up and down, while me and Ariana giggled and blushed. "Are you guys just gonna stand there drooling like dogs or are we going to the party"I say. Both of them snap out of their trance and link their arms into ours. We all get into the limo van and wait to arrive to the party. I hope all of us have a good time and that there is no drama.

Authors Note: For everyone who reads my story, I am so honored and I apologize for not updating when I said I would. I've just been so busy and I hope that you enjoyed this chapter.
Plz like comment and I'll update in about a week.✌🏽️😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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