Meet and Greet

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Outfit at the top

Songs for chapter :
What do you mean Justin Bieber
Sorry Justin Bieber


I woke up to the sound of my ring tone. I reached for it on my night stand and unlocked it. I had a text message from my friend Ariana.

Text Message
Ariana: Wake your ass up now

Y/N: I am up cuz your ass just woke me up

Ariana: Well if you want me to take you to meet the one and only JUSTIN BIEBER you need to get ready

Y/N: OMG I totally forgot about that. I'll get ready right now.

Ariana: Pick u up in an hour

End Of Text Messages

So I got up and headed for the shower. I was in there for maybe 20 minutes washing my hair and body. I got out the shower and dried myself and brushed my teeth. I went to my walk in closet and picked out a fly outfit. It was a black crop top with a purple and black long sleeve checkered shirt wrapped around my black high waist pants and black vans. To match that I had gold hoop earrings and a necklace that had Miss Bieber on it.

To top that off I put my hair in a bun and put light colored makeup on. When I was done I sprayed Vanilla scented spray on me. Since I was done I went on twiiter to post my thoughts.
@Y/N Headed out to Justin Bieber concert tonight
When I was done I heard a honk which meant that Ariana was here.
"What up slut" I said to her. "What up hoe" she replied. She turned the radio on and Justin Bieber song All that Matters came on. Me and Ariana started to sing it. What's a kings bed without a queen there ain't no I in team you make me complete you're all that matters to me yeah yeah...
When the song was over we were a lead in the parking lot of the staples center. Me and Ariana soon walked arm in arm in the staples center. When we walked in there I saw madd people in there. When I say it was packed it was packed. Ariana and I were then stopped by a security guard. "May I see your tickets girls" We showed it to him and he let us by. Me and Ariana had seats in the pit so Justin can look at us and touch our hands. When we arrived in the pit the concert had started. Justin came out with wings attached to his back. Then What do you mean started to play. Me and Ariana started to sing all the lyrics. Then other people in the pit started screaming and gave me a headache. Justin then came to the pit and gave some of us fives. When he stopped in front of me he grabbed my chin and gave me a wink. Me and Ariana started going crazy to what he just did to me. When he saw us scream he gave us a smirk. When he was done singing What do you mean he started to sing Sorry.
Five minutes later me and Ariana went to the security guard and told him we had a meet and greet with Justin Bieber. He looked at his tablet and asked for our names. "Mines is Ariana Benz and she is y/f/n." He nodded his head and took us backstage. Me and Ariana followed him with excitement. When we arrived I saw Justin taking a sip of water. The security guard whispered to Justin about us and Justin then smiled from ear to ear.
As soon as Justin walked up to us I stared at him in full shock. I couldn't believe I was standing right in front of Justin Bieber. "OMG" I said. He started to laugh and stared at me for a long time until one of his back up dancers came to him. "Justin we're going out to the club wanna come." "Sure man". He looked over at Ariana and asked for her name. "My name i-is A-A-Ariana." I laughed as she stuttered. He then came to me for my name as well. All I did was stare in shock. Ariana soon snapped a finger in front of my face. "Oh sorry. My name is y/n"
"Nice to meet you." He grabbed my hand and shook it. "Hey since we we're suppose to hang out do you, I mean both of you wanna come out with us." Me and Ariana soon nodded our heads."Great." He grabbed my hand and Ariana tagged along being us. When we walked outside there was a limo. Justin opened the door for us and followed behind. Luckily I was sitting next to him. He then started to talk to me to pick up a small coversation.

"I recognize you and your friend from the pit. I noticed you and her singing my whole song so I decided to act like u wad giving yah some fives so I can touch your chin and wink at you and smirk at you're screaming friend." I can't believe he confessed that to me.
"Wow I can't believe you said that with so much honesty. "
"Well of course. I mean I would want to be truthful to a beautiful girl like you." I blushed at him calling me beautiful.
"Thanks. You're hot as well." He looked at me shocked. I can't believe I said that out loud.
"He's hot like the fucking sun" Ariana said with so much confidence. He thanked both of us and stared at me until we arrived at the club. When we walked in it was hot and smelled like a whole bunch of weed. I had looked down to feel Justin grab my hand and pull me towards the bar.

Justin's P.O.V

When I thanked both of them for complimenting me all I did was stare at y/n's face. Can I just say her face was so stunning. She seems so cool. Feels like I found the right one. When we pulled up to the club. I immediately grabbed y/n's hand and pulled her through the sweaty bodies to the bar.
"Can I buy you a drink" All she did was stare at me and then said no. "Oh come on I insist." She still shook her head. "Please" I got down on both knees and pleaded her. I can tell she was embarrassed and gave in. I jumped up in excitement. "Yo bartender. Can I have your finest champagne for me and this beautiful lady beside me" I said pointing to y/n. When the bartender came back with our drinks we drunk it and started talking about life. "What is your dream career"he said. "To be a singer." "Really" he said filled with shock. "Yeah I always sing in the shower, when I'm about to sleep, and even when I'm at a club with my besties." After a couple a minutes later, Ariana came back to us drunk with one of my friends who was also drunk. "Ryan!" He looked at me surprised. "Hey Justin. What you doing here?" We both did a bro hug. "Just came back from my concert and same goes for you." "Well I'm just here to have fun and Fredo is also here. He's in the corner." I looked at hom to see a whole bunch of girls dancing with him. "Who's this?"He asked. "Oh this is y/n." When I looked at her she had five shots in front if her. She looked at me and smiled goofy.
30 minutes later...
Y/N took me to the dance floor and started to dance on me. Boy was she drunk but she's a really great dancer. When she started to feel on me that's when she drew the line. I had to take her and her extremely drunk friend to my home cuz they were both so drunk they couldn't talk properly. "Alright that's enough." I flipped her over my shoulder and put her in the limo then I walked back in the club to get Ryan and Ariana. When I got back to the limo y/n was passed out. And when I turned to my left Ariana and Ryan was making out.
When the limo pulled up in my driveway I picked y/n up and took her in my house with Ariana and Ryan following behind. Ryan took Ariana straight to one of my guess rooms upstairs while I followed them to another guess room for y/n. When I layed her down on the bed I walked over to my room which was across the hall from hers. I quickly got undressed only left in my boxers. I can tell that in the morning all of them are gonna have a split headache.

So guys how'd I do? I tried my best to make this chapter somewhat great. Plz vote and leave comments below for an update.

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