-The Start.

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The first time it happened never leaves my memories, even though I wish it did because it always haunts me when i get the chance to sleep. It’s the time William Fraunta raped me. We were both in the ninth grade when he decided to hurt me (sexually, physically, and verbally). It’s about the worst feeling in the entire world, i had no joy or pleasure. (i’ve always been told that having intercourse with a love one was to be a special moment when both of us were prepared. Unfortunately it wasn’t what i wanted.) I had begged him to stop but all my screaming and kicking just made everything worse. He slapped, punched, and shoved me because he found this pleasurable.
Where were my parents? - My mother past away when i was ten years old because she suffered from a broken heart due to the passing of her father (my grandpa). My dad wasn’t there to support her when she needed him the most ( he left, divorcing my mom and marrying another woman).
Where do I live now? - I live with my aunt, Kristen, who was hardly home because her work schedule was hectic (RN’s are normally busy). She spends most of her time at the hospital. Usually, on her days off she would sleep in the mornings then go with her boyfriend (I believe fiancee) the rest of the day and night.
        William had me at one of my aunt’s busy days of work. I had only started dating him because he had the personality that made me love. That was until he was getting a lot of attention from my friends (they were very known throughout the school, the ‘cool’ kids) that was when the sweet, wise, loving, and caring guy turned into an abusive, cheating, betraying, inconsiderate, cold-hearted creature! He ruined my life, my education, my trust, my everything!
Why didn’t i tell my aunt or the cops or just anyone in that matter? - He threatened me!
Why didn’t I break up with him? - The same threats! He would tell everyone that I had raped him then he would hurt me before he would kill himself. Trust me, i’m reminded about his ‘deal’.
Does he care about all the pain he’s causing me? - That’s a slight obvious answer, No. He enjoys when i suffer and scream. When he’s done using me as a toy he goes on these special and very romantic dates with girls from school. He treats everyone but me like a goddess.
Am i jealous? - Absolutely not, because i know who he really is, a heartless monster! I don’t wish the worst on anyone but i do hope that one day this animal will suffer… suffer more than i did or i ever will!
        My name is Elsa Grace (Grace isn’t my last name nor part of my first, it’s my middle name but i love using it since it was my mom’s name.) I enjoy going to the beach because it’s my get-away after an extremely rough day. I’m seventeen and a half years old in the twelfth grade. I don’t really consider William as my boyfriend but when i’m asked if i’m single, i do say that i have a ‘boyfriend’ it hurts to say but i do it either way.
        I laid there on my back in my bed. My room door slammed shut knocking down something from my bedroom wall, most likely a photo. I was catching my breath. I flinched when i heard the front door of the house slam. It was finally over for the day, i wouldn’t have to see that face until Monday evening. I got what i get every Friday evening at five. I let out a sigh of relief and slowly got up out of bed hoping not to hurt my fresh bruises that were scattered around my body. I walked slowly to my body length mirror. I stared at the reflection’s naked body; the purple/blue marks began to form. I saw the pain written all over their body and “Help” written across their face.
How could they handle all of that and still manage to smile as if they were living the life everyone wanted but cannot have?
        I walked into my bathroom that’s in my room. I turned the warm water on for a shower and took careful steps inside the bathtub. Goosebumps formed on my skin; the water ran down my damped body making me smile slightly. I stood there for a good five minutes with thought rushing through my mind; i took a proper shower to get rid of my filthiness.
        I put something comfortable on for a stroll on the beach, maybe even sit to watch the surfers surf. (I wore a loose blouse that said “Life Goes On”, dark blue “skinny” jeans, and TOMS footwear.) I grabbed my keys, phone, and purse; the things i need when i go out. I shut my room door and went down the stairs, something caught my attention. I turned to see on the key table a bouquet of roses with a note card sticking out. I read:
-I love you; thanks for being there for me.
You’ll always just be my sex toy slut! (heart) -Will
        I instantly tore the card to many little piece and grabbed the bouquet just to throw it into the trash bin. That prick thinks he can fool me? He should think again!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2013 ⏰

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