
32 4 3

lowercase intentional for this chapter only

michael rushes into starbucks, rain soaking him and causing his freshly dyed blue hair to leak a bit onto his red shirt, leaving purple marks.

every morning he goes to starbucks and this time he managed to get stuck in the pouring rain that started as he was arriving.

as he entered the building heat immediately takes over his body and the familiar smell of fresh coffee and breakfast sandwhiches fills his nostrils.

usually a girl named sarah is taking the orders but instead today there's a new boy, he's fairly tall and his blonde hair is in a perfectly put together quiff.

"where's sarah?" michael humms, walking up to the counter and skimming his eyes over the menu even though he always orders the same thing anyways.

"she's out." he mumbled tiredly and made his way to the register, clicking a few buttons before looking up at me, "what can i get you?"

"sarah would know." michael stated obnoxiously, sensing the boy was in a shitty mood and wanting to mess with him.

his blue eyes darted up at him and his eyebrows scruffed together, "well i'm not sarah am i? just fucking order."

he smirked and pull a ten dollar bill from his pocket, "a large strawberries and cream frappé, luke."

his name rolled off michael's tongue swiftly and luke just rolled his eyes, "5.28$"

he handed him the crisp bill and waited for my change, "you're slower than sarah yknow?"

the boy looked up, clearly annoyed, and handed him the change, "well you're annoying as fuck yknow?"

"that's very rude, luke, and i don't appreciate it." michael grinned and leaned against the counter.

he handed him the pink beverage and glared, "don't you have somewhere to be?"

he breathed in and shook his head, "no actually i can't go anywhere because I walked here and have no car and I'm not about to walk in the rain and ruin my shirt even more. why are you so uptight?"

luke let out a loud sigh and ran a hand through his hair, "my girlfriend wants me to meet her parents but i don't think i'm ready yet. i'm sorry i'm usually not like this."

a grin covered michael's pale face, "you wouldn't be so stressed if you were dating me you know?"

luke's heart dropped and he sent michael a dirty look, "ew no!"

"why not am i that ugly?" michael scoffed and took a sip of his frappe.

"because you're a boy." the blonde exclaimed.


"and that's gay! being gay is a sin and im a child of god. he would never accept two men to be together it's.. it's an abomination!" his voice was raising as he spoke.

instead of getting offended michael simply laughed, "yeah okay, i guess i'm an abomination."

"faggot. you're a faggot and you're going to hell. it's not too late to change though! god forgives everybody!" luke was talking so fast michael thought his jaw was gonna fly off.

"calm down, bible thumper, im not changing for some imaginary man in the sky who doesn't exist."

luke just shook his head, his blonde quiff messing up somewhat but still managed to look great, "ill pray for you..." he looked at michael confused.

"michael. my names michael." he helped him and luke nodded.

"you're cute for a bible thumper." michael suddenly blurted out absent-mindedly.

luke just gave him a dirty look, "don't call me a bible thumper just because i follow jesus' word. and besides even if i wasn't against homosexuality and even if i wasn't religious i wouldn't be able to date you anyways, my sister came out as gay and my parents kicked her out and sent her to the UK."

michael wiped a line of frost off of his cup and sat on the bar stool, "that's horrible why would anybody do that?"

"she needed it, we sent her to get changed back to straight so she doesn't go to hell, were only wanting the best for her." luke stated and michael scoffed,

"that's disgusting, hurting family like that just because some book written a long ass time ago says that she can't love who she wants! she deserves a better family."

luke was about to reply when two teenage girls ran in, their hair clinging to their thin bodies. one was blonde and one was brunette.

"hi! it's really really cold out there holy crap." the brunette said as they both sat on the stools next to michael, "can we get two black coffees, small please."

"hi, i like your hair it's really cool." the blond girl spoke to michael with a grin.

"oh thanks," he giggled,"i just dyed it last night and so access dye started dripping onto my shirt when the rain started it sucks."

the brunette raised an eyebrow, "do you dye your hair often?"

before michael could reply luke cut in, setting the coffees infront of him, "i wouldn't talk to him ladies he's a faggot."

michael let out a sigh and sent a glare towards luke but the brunette spoke up, "so hes gay? what's wrong with that?"

"your attitude is disgusting don't be like that to him he didn't do anything wrong!" the blonde cut in and michael smiled, "thanks guys, im michael by the way."

"im ashley," the blond one spoke, "and this is my bestfriend mia."

michael smiled and set down a ten dollar bill on the counter, "this is for their coffee," michael smirked at luke who stood there with a shocked look on his face.

"aw thanks! we should totally hang out!" ashley squealed.

'i win' i mouthed to luke and he scoffed and turned away to a different machine.

michael and the girls continued to chat and annoy luke until the storm stopped and everybody went their separate ways, except luke he was stuck working.


Hey so yeah this is my new story and I'm hoping it turns out good

It surprisingly took me a while to do this but whatever here you go

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