Erin and Jay's wedding

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Erin's Pov
Today is the day I am marring the man of my dreams! I have 4 hours to get ready. Abs, Shan, Dani and Kim came over and we all got ready. Abby did my hair and Shan did my makeup. Finally got to the church. I wanted to be at the church before Jay because he always have a way to see me.

Hank walks in, he hands me a letter

The letter is from Camille
   Dear Erin, I am so proud of you! You will grow up as a wonderful woman! I will be watching you from the sky. Make sure Hank is taking care of you. I want you to wear this necklace on your wedding day! I love you dear


After Erin read the letter she started crying

Wish she could be here on this special day!

Hanks- me too
Gives Erin a hug
Well it's time to go!

Erin walks in with Hank while they had thousands years playing!

Jay's Pov
Damn Erin looks beautiful!
I can't believe I am marring the woman of my dreams. Looking at Erin walking down the aisle makes me so happy because I just about to marry her!

Pastor- would you guys say your vows

Jay's vow
Erin Lindsay with I first meet you, I was inlove with you, when Hank came to talk to me and told me no in-house dating, then when I found one of the files from hanks ci's about you but the past is the past. I care who you are now, I will always protect you! To have a perfect life/family with you! I will always have your back! I love you so much Erin Lindsay!

*erin started crying*

Erin's vows
Jay Halstead when I first meet you I was crazy to date you, when you found out about my past you didn't run away you stay with me and helped me. I am glad to spend rest of my life who love me and protect me! I will always have your back too! I love you so much Jay Halstead

*now both have tears*

Now I pronounce you husband and wife

You can kiss you bride!

They walk out and the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE was playing

The DJ announce
Welcome the new couple Erin and Jay Halstead

Everyone claps and cheered
They had their first dance
Thinking out loud
I love you Erin
Love you too Jay

Then it was father/daughter dance
Hank and Erin dance to you are my only sunshine

Erin I am so proud of you
Thank you Hank
I love you
I love you too

Then they dance until midnight

Erin and Jay got to their room.

I love you Erin Halstead
I love you too Jay Halstead
Then they played a few round of scrabble.

Hope you guys enjoy it!!
More coming tonight or tomorrow
Oh and I forgot to put in the wedding they did play stitches because that is Erin favorite song😉😉

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