After the wedding

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Before Jay and Erin leaves for their honeymoon, They went to hanks for a little while.

Hank's Pov
I am glad that Erin and Jay are here before they leave.

So what are you guys doing while you are in Florida.

Maybe go to Disney world and go to the beach.

That's sound fun!

Well we should get going!
I will drive you guys to the airport

Please you make you are careful down there.
We will

Erin and Jay on the plane
Conversations between Erin and Jay
I think Hank going to miss us
I think so

I am so glad to be marry to you Erin Halstead

I love when you say that

Do you want to sleep or watch a movie?

Sleep and talk, then when we get there we can watch a movie?
Sleep and talk, then when we get there then we can watch a movie.
Ok babe we can to that.

Back at the district
Tony- so they are gone for three weeks
Al- yeah
I am going to miss them

Back to Erin and Jay
Jay- hey babe we are almost here! Ugh... We are!

What do you want to do when we get to the hotel?

Order food and cuddle and watch movies

Now at the hotel
You pick a movie and I will order pizza


Next morning
Hey babe wake up!
You sure know how to wake up a girl
Where are we going
Magic kingdom
Oh!! A lot of people said that is fun!!

Great! Can't wait to go to magic kingdom

After the day at magic kingdom
I had so much fun babe!
Me too!
Let's go eat
Oh! Wow this place is nice!

Universal studios
The spiderman was cool, it felt so real!
Good thing i wore a swimsuit, I got wet😂
Good thing you did babe!

Can't believe we have three days left here.
Yeah! I going to miss it and hangingout with you oh wait I do at work😂

Next day at the beach
Oh it's a nice day to go to the beach.
That's why I pick today
I love you Jay Halstead
I love you too Erin Halstead

Jays Pov
I love this 3 weeks with Erin wish we could stay longer. I am so glad to marry her. I love her so much

Erin's Pov
I am loving the time with Jay and I don't want to leave. I couldn't be any happier with Jay. I love him so much

Can't believe tomorrow is our last day here
I know right

Next day Epcot!!
So babe what are we doing today.
We are going to Epcot
Really!! Because someone said there is a thing called all around the world!
Yup and we are doing that!
Are you ready to go babe
Yup! I am ready to go
Damn you look beautiful like always
Thank you babe, you look handsome
I love you babe
I love you too babe
Babe I had a great time at France, Germany, Canada, UK, Italy, America, Mexico, China
Some of the food and drinks were good!
It sure was
Are we staying for fireworks
Those fireworks were amazing
Yes there were!
Now we are at the hotel and we leave tomorrow.
What should we do?

Jay we can do whatever but first I need to call Han and see if he will picking us up from the airport.
*Erin calls hank*
Hey kiddo
Hey Hank, are you still picking us up tomorrow from the airport?
Yes I am.
Ok, hold on a second Hank
Hey babe
What time are we leaving tomorrow?
Around 12 and we will be in Chicago around 3:30ish
Ok I going to tell Hank that
Hey Hank, we are leaving tomorrow around 21 then maybe be in Chicago around 3:30ish
Jay what are you doing
Hank I got to go see you tomorrow
Bye kiddo
Bye Hank
Put me down
Nope we are going to do this in bed
Do what?
You know?
Jay Halstead you are a naughty boy
They played scrabble
Ugh, we have to leave in 3 hours
Oh crap we should get ready
Yea we should

An hour later
At the airport
I going miss Florida
Me too

In Chicago
Do you see Hank
*erin called hanks*
Hey kiddo  
Where are you Hank?
I am here at the airport, where are you guys?
We are here in Chicago
Oh I see you guys
I don't
Turn around
Oh there you are
*hung up the phone*
Hey guys how was it?
It was fun
That's good
We all miss you guys
We miss you guys too.

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