Chapter 2

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Chapter one

I look down at the girl that is my best friend. Was my best friend. It was the only time I had actually had some peace instead of being bombarded with comments from her 'friends' how missed her. They all had something to say about Claudia which where usually the same thing.

" I'm so sorry for your loss" which meant she died get over it

"I wish she was here with me so I can have a proper goodbye" meaning I wish she was here so that I can bitch slap her for stealing my boyfriend or I wish I could have done the deed my self. West field is full of hypocrite's who be nice to your face but a total ass behind your back. But nobody knew Claudia like I did. She could be bitchy at times but really she was a sweet nice person who was just afraid to open her heart because she could get hurt again. You see Claudia lives in one of the most biggest most expensive houses in all of West field. No matter what you may be thinking she wasn't one of those rich snobby people who kick puppies for a living. No she was actually really nice if you get to know her. But the problem is she lives in that big gigantic house by herself. Her mother is a super model so she has to fly around the world and her dad is a fashion designer. When they are actually home they are either to busy kissing or tapping on whatever the latest gadget is to notice her. Her brother is either playing football or hitting on some girl to spend time with his sister. Of course there are the nannies and maids but they don't like her for her they like her for her parents money. I look down at Claudia. Damn it even when she's dead and lying in a coffin she is still super hot ( in the no homo way). With Claudia's perfect blond curls, heart shaped face, full pink lips, naturally long eyelashes, killer body. She is drop dead gorgeous. But the weird thing is that's she doesn't look dead more like sleeping. I look around attar grave yard and see Claudia's brother Damon and wave him over.  

"hey" he said after a couple of long strides over.

"hey" I said. Damon unlike Claudia got more of his fathers charm than his mothers. With his healthy black hair slicked back for the occasion he looked like a celebrity. With his muscular jaw perfect, straight with teeth, eyes so blue you could drown in them and a six pack. Damon was a really handsome looking guy worthy enough for you to date. You know if you like the player time and really want to get your heart broken.

"I feel terrible about your loss Yarah knowing that Claudia has been a sister to you as well" Tears that I have been holding in sprang to my eyes. Damon saw this and quickly moved in to hug me. He rested my head on his shoulder.

"it's ok I'll be your shoulder to cry on."he said soothingly. We stayed like that for a while just me crying. He led me to a church and sat me down on a bench. I felt a slight breeze and looked down to see him rubbing the inside of my thigh. A flicker of rage came to me and I instantly cursed myself for actually thinking that he was trying to be nice. I moved closer towards him and rubbed my cheek against his neck. Then bit him he howled in pain. I got up before he could recover and used my heel and stamped on his foot. He bent down and grabbed his now broken toe giving me enough time to sock him one right in the eye. Serves him right. How could he do something like that at his own sisters funeral!! I stomped out of there when a pair of muscular arms grabbed me from around the waist. My raged boiled up again and I poked him right in the eye to find that it was Julian.  

"Oh my gosh!! I am sooo sorry I thought you where some one else!" I said. Julian only laughed and said it was nothing.

" Claudia's brother is a real jerk."I mumbled to myself mostly.

" and why is that?" said Julian rubbing his eyes. I told him what had just happened and Julian's expression turned black.

" Where is he now? I wanna have a little... chat with him." he said cracking his knuckles. I simply smiled. He was so sweet like a brother I never had.

" that's okay Damon will just be Damon no need for another death." 

I said. He pulled me into a bear hug. I hugged him back feeling the tears come back to my eyes. I couldn't hold back my tears and cried in his arms. I cried and cried and cried till I couldn't cry anymore. I sniffed Julian. He smelled of Home and peaches. That was one of the things I loved about him. He never overloaded on that cologne guys use Axe I think. He has his own signature smell that didn't take cologne he just smelt like home.

" She wouldn't want you to be sad she would rather you be happy. " he whispered in my ear.  

I smiled and kissed him on the lips.  

I pulled away and hugged him again.

" You always make me feel better." I said.

" That's what boyfriends are for" he said and smiled. " you have had a long day. Let's go to your house I'll make you brownies." I nodded and let him lead me to his car to drive me home.

*** AUTHORS NOTE ***  

Hey you guys I am going to try to upload twice a week so on Fridays ( like today heehee) and Tuesday's you guys will get a new chapter it might not be long but it will be a chapter lol :) will Vomments

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