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Magnus Chase was walking through the mall where he used to sleep, when a sassy young girl of a similar age came up to him. Annabeth Chase; the one living relative that he actually enjoyed being around. This was because they could relate to each other on so many levels: godly parents, mad adventures, meeting gods, being under pressure to save the world in short notice. These were only a few ways that they related to each other; but there was another girl that Magnus could relate all this too as well. Sadie. Annabeth had told him about her and the Kane's quests to stop Setne and Serapis. Magnus had desired to meet Sadie Kane ever since.

Sadie was in her room listening to her 'SAD' playlist. She had just lost an argument with her brother Carter, so she had to clean Philip of Macedonia's pool out ( Philip of Macedonia is the Kanes' pet crocodile). She decided to go for a walk around Brooklyn to calm her down, as she was plodding along, she entered a mall and spotted Annabeth Chase.

The girls chatted for a while, but Sadie and Magnus kept on looking at each other awkwardly. Annabeth noticed this, and asked if they had met before, but this was the first time either had seen the other. Finally, Sadie started sone small talk "So which mad powers did you inherit then?" Magnus was too shocked to respond, but somehow he still managed to embarrass himself.
"Mad powers? What, who told you? Annabeth?" He was ashamed as soon as the words blurted out. Annabeth, giggling, asked Magnus if he even knew how to speak english. It was Sadie again who helped Magnus, "Who is your mysterious mum or divine dad then?"
"Ehh Frey" Magnus stuttered "what about you?"
"Isis, from the Egyptian mythology." Then she added as an after thought "Frey is Norse isn't he?"
"Yes, how did you know?" Magnus supplied
"I take pride in studying mythology instead of the boring subjects like maths" Sadie replied "I mean, when as a magician are you ever going to know the area of a trapezium?"
"We should go now Magnus" Beckoned Annabeth.

When they were in the café, Annabeth kept giggling when she looked at Magnus. But when Magnus asked why, she said simply "you get so nervous around girls, Magnus. Its so funny."

After a while in which they both sat and drank their coffee, Magnus said "So how can i see her more often?"

Sadie had stayed up all night thinking about it, she was going to find Magnus Chase and ask him out. She was still in two minds about it, but it was now or never , so she set off for the mall.

She found him in a jewellery store, which she thought was a bit odd, but she liked that he was bold enough to go into a women's store and just act naturally. She walked up to him, and said quickly and eagerly "Do you want to date?"
Magnus was so shocked that he could only gasp "Erm. Yes. No. Erm. Maybe. No. Sorry. Bye" and he ran off, leaving an ankh pendant behind for her.

Magnus lurked in the neighbouring shop and was alarmed to find Sadie sobbing as she looked at the display of religious artefacts in the store. After a very deep pep talk from Jack, which only really involved one motivational line from the sword " If you don't talk to her, I can do it for you". Jack was just about to shoot off towards Sadie, when Magnus returned him to pendant form. He walked over to her trying to stop his legs shaking, however when she saw him she simply walked off. He tried to follow her but as he ran out of the shop, the store manager ran after him shouting that he hadn't paid for the pendant that he was wearing. Magnus was seriously tempted to return Jack to sword form and show him what his "stolen" pendant could do, but unfortunately there are rules against that.

Magnus had to just slow down because he didn't want a criminal record, he showed the manager that Jack was not a simple piece of human jewellery.

When Magnus next checked, Sadie was long gone and his hopes of a relationship were long lost.

Magnus lie awake for months after, couldn't imagine his life without Sadie, he searched and searched with any spare time that he got on his strict Valhalla training scheme. But no matter how long he searched, he couldn't find her anywhere. He knew that when he found her he would have to be perfect, with every line that he says and anything that he does, because it might just be the last time that he could see her.

As it happened, he found Sadie when he was meeting Sam in a café, he was in the middle if a rant about Jack's big headedness when he suddenly went silent.

Sadie was walking along the Boston high street as if she was looking for something or someone, Magnus and Sam went over to help.

However, when Sadie saw them coming, she stopped and tried to act like she hadn't noticed them (she was also trying not to blush, she failed). As Magnus and Sadie approached each other, they both said the same thing "Hi, I really like you"

Their eyes met for the first time and they exchanged a mutual vow that one day they would be a couple.

Sadie ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now