"Gangster Vs. Clan"

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Being the daughter of a famous gangster means.. I didn't make any friend even in America. So now we live in a huge mansion in Japan due to my father's work, it was my first day of school today.. And I was running late!!!

"I am off Jack!!", I shouted.

"Yes, Lady Alice, Have a great day", I slam the door and run as fast as I can. Jack was the head of the body guard, he is very protective and I mean very! He was the one that train me to fight and use weapons when I was younger. My childhood was just me trying and learning how to defend myself, Boring, I know right!

It was my first time going to town so I ask some people where the school was. I bow Thank you to the old lady and ran to the school. When I got there they already close the fence, then I put up some speed and jumped over the fence.

While I was jumping in mid air I saw a boy there looking up with a shock face, I try to jump over him, instead I kneed him in the head. I landed on the ground, while he was on the ground rubbing his head and he stood up slowly," Oh! Sorry I didn't see you there!", I said and ran off to the office. The class bell rang and I follow my teacher to my class, she then motion me to come in.

"Please, introduce yourself", the teacher said.

I stood in front of the whole class, they were chatting and saying somethings to each other.

"Dude! Look at her body!", I heard one said.

"Her orang hair and orange eyes is so beautiful!", one girl said.

"Cool! A new hot chick!", some of the boys said. And inside my heart I wanted to kick their head off, but I keep my self clam.

"My name is Alice Sherlock, I came from America, I hope we all get along!", After I introduce my self students cheers, I took this chance too look at everyone, then I saw the guy I kneed by the window, he stared at me with he deep blue eyes for a second,"IT YOU!!", he yelled as he stood up.

The other student looked at us,"You two know each other??", the teacher asked.

"Oh! She just kneed me this morning on my head!!", the boy yelled.

"Hey! I said I was sorry! BAKA!", I yelled back.

"Who are you calling a Baka! Donkey Face!", He shouted. And I felt my temper at the edge of the hill, and I felt fire burn around me and my blood boil with heat.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A DONKEY FACE?!?", I kicked him, and he flew across the room. The students looked and stare at me, the teacher clapped her hand motioning everyone to get to there seats. "Alice, you can seat by Ryuu", Great, now I have to seat next to him! I gave him a dirty glare, and he just looked out the window. Baka! Can this day cannot get worst..??

Class was pretty boring, Our teacher, Mrs. Joy, was talking about how the school was going to be and what kind of event were going to be held. I was pretty excited about the events and festival because I have never been any of them. After the last class bell rang, I gather my stuff.

"R-Ryuu! Thank for your textbook it was really helpful!", A girl with a blond hair was standing in front of Ryuu handing him a textbook.

"A-Anytime, Lucy..", Ryuu replied scratching behind his head. This wasn't my business so I left for the door. I didn't get lost this time, I just went through the way I came to school.

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